Middle East


Laurence Desroches discusses a new digital storytelling campaign designed to bring attention to Syrian refugees.

President Trump's Trip Abroad
June 2, 2017

Mark Dillen on the negative image of President Trump's first trip overseas.

May 17, 2017

CPD Blogger Mark Dillen on President Trump's first overseas trip.

A case study on Palestinian Facebook diplomacy from Ilan Manor and Marcus Holmes.

Banu Akdenizli takes a close look at the diplomatic use of social media in the Gulf states.

Could the missile strikes on Syria enhance U.S. soft power? Philip Seib considers the possibility at the CPD Blog.

CPD co-sponsored ICA's post-conference program on May 30 in San Diego.

"Institutions like USC and its CPD can increasingly provide the three C’s of public diplomacy: Crossroads, conversations, and culture," says Rob Asghar.
