
 Deirdre Kline - Middle East Broadcasting Networks (U.S. government source)

CPD releases An Evaluation of Alhurra Television Programming, a multi-method evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of Alhurra's news broadcasting to the Middle East.

Upcoming Symposium on the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 in Washington, D.C.

In collaboration with Queens University of Charlotte, this project involves audience and organizational analysis to evaluate the conciliatory potential of Al-Jazeera English (AJE). Click here to read the final report.

Co-edited by CPD Senior Fellows Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor , The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy provides a comprehensive overview of public diplomacy and national image and perception management.

CPD Visiting Professor Eytan Gilboa authored a piece on "Diplomacy in the Era of Information" published in a new Polish book on public diplomacy titled Dyplomacja publiczna.

CPD Fellow, Jill Schuker gives a testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on "A Reliance on Smart Power - Reforming the Public Diplomacy Bureaucracy".

CPD Blogger and recent MPD graduate, Matt Armstrong, and CPD Senior Fellow, John Brown, participate in a roundtable conference with Under Secretary of State For Public Diplomacy And Public Affairs, James K. Glassman.

USC Annenberg Dean and CPD University Fellow, Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III, delivers a lecture entitled “Public Diplomacy, a New Tool for Dubai,” at The Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Communication at The American University in Dubai.
