
On January 29, 2009, Monroe Price, professor and director of the Center for Global Communication Studies at the University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School, delivered the keynote address at the opening night dinner of the 2009 Center on Public Diplomacy Spring Symposium, The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: Public Diplomacy Triumph or Public Relations Spectacle?

On January 22, 2009 Ernest J. Wilson III, Dean of the U.S.C Annenberg School for Communication, led a roundtable discussion on his recent experiences as a member of the Presidential Transition Team for the Obama administration.

Professor Andrew F. Cooper joins the USC Center on Public Diplomacy as its 2009 Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chair.

 Deirdre Kline - Middle East Broadcasting Networks (U.S. government source)

CPD releases An Evaluation of Alhurra Television Programming, a multi-method evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of Alhurra's news broadcasting to the Middle East.

Upcoming Symposium on the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 in Washington, D.C.

In collaboration with Queens University of Charlotte, this project involves audience and organizational analysis to evaluate the conciliatory potential of Al-Jazeera English (AJE). Click here to read the final report.

Co-edited by CPD Senior Fellows Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor , The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy provides a comprehensive overview of public diplomacy and national image and perception management.

CPD Visiting Professor Eytan Gilboa authored a piece on "Diplomacy in the Era of Information" published in a new Polish book on public diplomacy titled Dyplomacja publiczna.
