In Review

September 11, 2015

A chat with the co-editor of Turkey's Public Diplomacy.

Research on information and technology, directing the Center for Global Information Studies and a new book on cyber warfare.

Key Biscayne sunset

A review of the month's best contributions to the CPD Blog.

Research projects on Chinese perceptions of Australians, recent shifts in Australian and G20 PD as well as collaborations with other universities and the Australian government.


A celebration of July's finest blogs.

R.S. Zaharna, Photo property of CPD

Encouraging emerging PD scholars, contributing to the CPD Blog, and research for a book on public diplomacy and identity. 


Jump in to the first blog roundup of the summer!

"Ochsenfurt 1930er Umzug Kinder"

The best of May's public diplomacy blogs.
