Introducing the Digital Diplomacy Bibliography Digital social media technologies have become part of people’s everyday life. They also have an impact on diplomatic practice and the way governments engage foreign publics...
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Deployment of Digital Diplomacy Around the World
Jan 16, 2015
Showing solidarity with the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie, examining the history and theory of digital diplomacy, and promoting social media in Ethiopia, Syria and China. This week in Public Diplomacy, the use of new media and technologies dominated the global dialogue.
Read more:
- What is ‘Digital Diplomacy’? - National Global News
- Politics, Diplomacy and Social Media - Huffington Post
- Framing, Tweeting, and Branding: A Study in the Practice of Digital Diplomacy - CPD Blog
- The Promise and Peril of Digital Diplomacy - The Globe and Mail
- Charlie Hebdo: A Week of Horror When Social Media Came into its Own - The Guardian
- Identity Politics Play Out on Social Media After Paris Attacks with #JeSuisAhmed and #JeSuisJuif - Quartz
- #JeSuisJuif: Twitter Stands In Solidarity With Paris Jews As Second Siege Unfolds At Kosher Supermarket - Huffington Post
- Islamic State Launches Social Media Campaign to Unleash ‘City Wolves’ - Washington Times
- The Social Network of Foreign Ministers on Twitter - Digital Diplomacy Blog
- Why Mahmoud Abbas Should Join Twitter - Jerusalem Post
- Conference and Training On Digital Diplomacy Opened in Addis Ababa - All Africa
- China’s Cyber Diplomacy: a Taste of Law to Come? - The Diplomat
- US Central Command Twitter, YouTube Feeds Hacked by ISIS Supporters - CNBC
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