This Week in PD is a weekly curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned and state-sponsored sources. Follow us via #TWiPD on Twitter and Facebook.
This Week in PD

This Week in PD, we share news on soft power, cultural diplomacy, nation branding and more.

This Week in PD, we share news on exchange diplomacy, nation branding, soft power and more.

This Week in PD, we share news on nation branding, cultural diplomacy, city diplomacy and more.

This Week in PD, we share news on cultural diplomacy, exchange diplomacy, global development and more.

This Week in PD, we share news on digital diplomacy, soft power, humanitarian aid and more.

This Week in PD, we share news on educational diplomacy, nation branding, soft power and more.

This Week in PD, we share news on international exchange, cultural diplomacy, people-to-people diplomacy and more.

This Week in PD, we share international news on cultural diplomacy, soft power, people-to-people diplomacy and more.