The closing ceremony of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics showcased a vast collection of Japanese soft power assets in a segment called “The Tokyo Show.” This started with an opening message of “Thank you,” performed by young...
KEEP READINGPD Happenings: Jul. 28 - Aug. 3
This Week in PD is a weekly curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned and state-sponsored sources.
Follow #TWiPD on Twitter Friday-Sunday for featured articles (in bold below).
Nation Branding
- Why We All Need to Invest in the Philippine Country Brand - The Inquirer
- Global Coffee Platform Launches Country-Specific Kenya Platform - Daily Coffee News
- Talking for, Not Listening to: A Failure of Australian Public Diplomacy - CPD Blog
Cultural Diplomacy
- A Night of Salsa With Colombia's Swing Latino - The Jakarta Post
- UAE-China Week to Be Held on Annual Basis - Asharq Al-Awsat
- Cairo Opera House's Concerts Go to China - EgyptToday
Exchange Diplomacy
- Japan’s Universities Need More Global Ties - The Japan Times
- State Department Funded Program Brings Middle Eastern TV Writers to Hollywood - NPR
- Teaching Exchange Program Invites All to Participate - Times Sebenza
Soft Power
- Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago Invites People to Photo Exhibit: Overcoming Crisis - UA/TV
- Expo 2020 Dubai to Promote Chinese Visitors, Businesses - Khaleej Times
- Rhino Diplomacy - The Kathmandu Post
City Diplomacy
- Workshop Explores Whether Technology Can Make Myanmar Cities More Livable - Mizzima
- The Future of Diplomacy Takes Root in Cities - CPD Blog
- Restaurant Serves American Comfort Food and 'Barbecue Diplomacy' in Mexico City - ABC News
- Food Diplomacy - New Zealand - ABS-CBS News
Economic Diplomacy
- Economic Diplomacy Brief: Infrastructure and Trade - The Interpreter
Icons are courtesy of Flat Icon Basic License and are attributed to the following creators: Eucalyp (Nation Branding), Freepik (Cultural Diplomacy, Soft Power, GastroDiplomacy), Zlatko Najdenovski (City Diplomacy), Smartline (Exchange Diplomacy) and Becris (Economic Diplomacy).
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