
Hannan Hussain of Islamabad Policy Research Institute writes, China's BRI strategies in Southeast Asia suggest a foundation in public diplomacy.

Seksan Anantasirikiat reflects on the 10th anniversary of the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) and its people-centered approach to strengthening relations between ASEAN and South Korea.

Sudarshan Ramabadran of the India Foundation's Center for Soft Power discusses the soft power of Indian support for Ph.D. grants to ASEAN students.

The ASEAN Roundtable, a student-run public diplomacy program, uses human connections to promote ties between ASEAN and South Korea. 

On building strong relationships between South Korea and neighbors in ASEAN and India.

The Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to ASEAN, and the ASEAN Secretariat had come together to launch the Korea-ASEAN Cinema Week 2017, which is aimed at strengthening people-to-people relations in the region. [...] "We appreciate this melting pot of values as we pursue shared objectives and bring our vision closer together in building that sense of community and seeing the entire region as a family," he added.
