
CPD Research Fellow Mieczysław Boduszyński reflects on the evident and enduring value of international exchange.

Digital diplomacy can open the doors for dialogue with foreign publics. But what can be done to make it truly effective?

Despite general consensus in Washington suggesting anti-Western sentiment in Libya, public opinion surveys have shown otherwise.
The French leader said that migrants were destabilizing Libya and Europe by fueling people-smuggling, which in turn funded terrorism. "The idea is to create hotspots to avoid people taking crazy risks when they are not all eligible for asylum. We'll go to them," he said on Thursday at a naturalization ceremony in the central city of Orléans.
Egypt sent a cargo of medical aid including medicines and other medical supplies to neighboring conflict-stricken Libya, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. [...] Hosting several meetings between Libyan rival factions, Egypt is keen on reaching a political settlement to restore security and stability to the war-torn neighboring country whose chaotic conditions pose a threat to the Egyptian western borders with eastern Libya.
German Foreign Minister pledged 3.5 million euros of extra refugee aid for the conflict-ridden state struggling to emerge from the throws of civil war. The money will be used to improve the catastrophic conditions seen in the refugee camps across the country, with systematic sexual abuse and violence reportedly widespread. In the first five months of this year, 60,000 refugees have come to Europe via Libya, a rise of 26 percent compared to the previous year. Approximately 1,700 people were killed as they attempted to cross the Mediterranean Sea from January to May 2017.

Can Twitter be a game changer for rebel groups?