nation branding

May 31, 2010

PDiN Monitor Editorial Staff
Sherine B. Walton, Editor-in-Chief
Naomi Leight, Managing Editor
Marissa Cruz-Enriquez, Associate Editor

A catchy tune people can't get out of their heads will be the hallmark of Tourism Australia's new television commercial, which will be unveiled next week...The "friendly and welcoming'' commercial will also highlight Australian animals and the country's indigenous culture that differentiates it from the rest of the world.

According to the Nation Brand Index, which measures how countries are perceived by other nations, Scotland is ranked 18th, behind nations such as America and France. But one of the challenges Mr Dixon, who took over his post three weeks ago, has set himself is to elevate Scotland into the top ten.

Borat's retirement from movie-making undoubtedly comes as no small comfort to the 15 million people of Kazakhstan, who were deeply offended by the film, as were many Americans, even though millions of Western moviegoers and critics were not.

The European-based sailing series offers the sultanate a much larger opportunity. Competing in France, UK, Germany, Italy and Spain, BOMU and Oman Sail are confident this activity will not only boost the sultanate's economy but also have a long-term positive effect on Oman's business, tourism and national brand.

American journalist Douglas McGray's 2002 Foreign Policy essay "Gross National Cool" crystallized for many not only evidence that contemporary Japan had become hip and attractive, but also a nifty phrase to go with it. But that was eight years ago. And like most bits of journalistic shorthand, the phrase "cool Japan" is as convenient as it is vague...

This month, Austrade is due to unveil the new Brand Australia, the culmination of an eight-month process of tendering for and creating a new communications campaign for the nation. The advertising agency selected to create the $4 million a year, four year project is M&C Saatchi....
