nation branding

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy use the construct of “brand experience” to explore and examine how countries pursue nation branding at Expo Shanghai and how Chinese visitors experience the branded country pavilions.

PDiN Monitor Editorial Staff
Sherine B. Walton, Editor-in-Chief
Naomi Leight, Managing Editor

PDiN Contributing Researchers
Taleen Ananian
Paul Rockower
Di Wu

South Korea will promote its high- end technology and popular culture at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, the government said Wednesday. South Korea will also build a corporate pavilion, worth 29.9 billion won (25.8 million U.S. dollars), where 12 local companies including Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, LG, SK, and POSCO, will showcase their products.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy was proud to host Ernest J. Wilson III, Dean of the USC Annenberg School for Communication, for a presentation on "Rebooting America's Image in the World." Dean Wilson recently returned from Washington, D.C. where he served on the Presidential Transition Team for President-Elect Barack Obama.
