
Examining Chinese-Pakistani relations and the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on China's cultural diplomacy.

If a global leader is frisked at a U.S. airport, what does that mean for diplomatic relations?

Anup Kumar and Holli A. Semetko examine how "ordinary people" can use methods of communication that transcend borders to make progress in the India-Pakistan conflict.

This video interview recounts a U.S. State Department-led collaboration between two chefs—one American, one Pakistani—that resulted in a miniseries for a popular Pakistani TV food network.

Writing from Islamabad, Rob Ashgar comments on how the new U.S. policy towards Pakistan could drive it to closer ties with China.

Principal Investigator:
Zahid Shahab Ahmed, CPD Research Fellow 2017-19

Muhammad Ittefaq explores China's economic diplomacy in Pakistan and how it impacts their relationship.