soft power

Chinese President Xi Jinping has said China will never seek to impose its will on other nations, no matter how strong it becomes.  With this speech, China's president had one clear goal: sending a message of reassurance to China's neighbours and other nations further afield watching this nation's rise, who wonder what sort of great power it may turn out to be.

Over the past decade the Arab world has witnessed a shifting of not only hard power -- which saw the traditional armies of the Arab world in Syria, Egypt and Iraq consumed in internal turmoil -- but also of what Harvard professor Joseph Nye termed "soft power," which has moved from these countries to the resource rich Gulf states.

Prince Harry has notched up a royal first by recording a video message to thank the people of Brazil for their hospitality during his stay in the country.  It is a long-standing custom for members of the Royal family to write to their hosts to thank them after they have been abroad, but the Prince’s message is the first to be filmed.

Paju Bookcity, a 21st-century hub for the South Korean book trade less than an hour’s drive from Seoul, appears oddly deserted under limpid blue skies. But amid its understated eco-architecture are keys to understanding not just this harmonious, riverside industrial estate but also moves by South Korea to turn hardbacks into soft power.

Istanbul may be rich in cultural history, with 18th-century mosques, sultans’ palaces and Byzantine relics, but its global contemporary art offerings are nowhere near that of London, Paris and New York.

Taking a closer look at the opportunities created by the World Cup this year, in Brazil and elsewhere.

How social media changes our culture and our very lives is something many are researching today. A recent study praised Canada for their online diplomacy and also noted the sheer influence available online to Pope Francis.

On June 26, 2014, Wilton Park published a report on their recent conference, Maximising Soft Power Assets: Towards Prosperity, which was held at the Hacienda Cantalagua, Mexico in May.

The report highlights the following key points of the conference:
