A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Rethinking US Public Diplomacy and Digital Engagement

I had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Ardaiolo of the Public Diplomat, a podcast and website produced by students and scholars at Syracuse University’s public diplomacy program. I speak about my research into how digital platforms have been incorporated into US public diplomacy, and how this reflects broader institutional shifts in the practice and discourse of PD.

Tags: public diplomacy, united states, digital diplomacy, craig hayden, ukraine, internet, new technology

A Big Deal: U.S. Chip Giant Intel to Invest $6 billion in Israeli Facilities

US computer chip giant Intel is to invest close to $6 billion in upgrading its Israeli production facilities, Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said on Thursday.

Tags: public diplomacy, united states, intel, development, foreign investment, technology, trade diplomacy, economy, israel, digital diplomacy, north america, middle east, non-state pd, non-state actors

Lawmakers Push Changes for Voice of America

Legislation to restructure the organization overseeing the government-funded media outlet Voice of America advanced in the House this week, a measure that proponents say would bring it closer in line with U.S. policy but critics fear could turn the storied news service into a a propaganda tool.

Tags: international broadcasting, government pd, united states, public diplomacy, voice of america, broadcasting board of governors, propaganda

The State Department is 'Deeply Concerned'

Considering the month of April alone, the State Department said it was "deeply concerned" about each of these situations: justice in Turkey; peaceful challenges of official Chinese policies; restrictions of freedom in Egypt; a Ugandan raid on a U.S.-funded medical facility; the humanitarian crisis in Burma and certain actions of the Republika Srpska, among other various and diverse issues — many extremely serious.

Tags: u.s. department of state, united states, ukraine, china, turkey, twitter

Reviewing Obama’s Trip to Asia

From April 22 to April 29, U.S. President Barack Obama visited Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines in what many observers called an attempt to solidify his administration’s “rebalance to Asia.” The Diplomat spoke with Dr. Jonathan Pollack, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, about Obama’s goals for the trip, and the major events at each of his stops.

Tags: united states, asia pacific, foreign policy, barack obama, asia pivot, japan, south korea, malaysia, philippines

'Still Ours to Lead:' Bruce Jones Explains Why the World Still Looks to the United States

Manifestoes about U.S. “decline,” have become a publishing juggernaut. But this literature is demolished in a beautifully written, persuasive new book from Bruce Jones, the Brookings Institution senior fellow. In Still Ours to Lead: America, Rising Powers, and the Tension between Rivalry and Restraint, Jones explains that the declinists have it all wrong. 

Tags: united states, soft power, public diplomacy, foreign policy

U.S. Public Diplomacy in a Digital Context (Podcast)

The US Department of State is transitioning into a digital context and public diplomacy is evolving in the process. Michael Ardaiolo discusses the U.S. public diplomacy’s shift toward a digital world with Dr. Craig Hayden.

Tags: digital diplomacy, u.s. department of state, united states, craig hayden, public diplomacy

Why Chinese Censors Miss The Mark on Television Shows

Mainland censors must have no clue about what they are censoring. They probably received instructions from higher-ups that some popular foreign TV series being shown online must be shut down as part of an internet campaign to clean up pornography and other undesirable contents. So to meet quotas, they randomly picked a few.

Tags: china, hong kong, censorship, television, media, government pd


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