A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Who Will Be the President of Novorossiya?

No sooner had the leaders of the so-called "People's Republics" of Donetsk, Luhansk, and Odessa declared the return of "Novorossiya" ("New Russia") earlier this month than they began fighting among themselves. Though they agree that the entire southeastern portion of Ukraine should join their self-proclaimed breakaway nation, they are divided over who should lead this new government.

Tags: ukraine, novorossiya, non-state pd, non-state actors, secession, new russia, russia, donetsk, odessa, luhansk, europe

A Rising Tide: The Case Against Canada as a World Citizen

A generation ago, Canada was perceived to be an exemplary global citizen by the rest of the world: it took the lead on a host of international issues, including the Convention of Child Rights, freedom of information, acid rain, world peacekeeping, sanctions against South Africa's apartheid regime, and humanitarian and development assistance—much of this under conservative leadership.

Tags: canada, soft power, public diplomacy, north america, convention of child rights, global health, environment, health diplomacy, first nations, environmental diplomacy, press freedom, advocacy

South America's Next Capital of Cool: Bogota

When my guide picked me up at the airport, she told me Bogota is a business city, not a tourist city. While she was an enthusiastic host and seemed to know everything else about her hometown, I had to disagree with her on this one.

Tags: tourism, south america, colombia, bogota, city diplomacy, nation branding, city branding

Apartheid Analogy Common Among Israel's Left

Israel is already an apartheid state, Palestinian officials have said in response to private comments made by the US Secretary of State John Kerry, who warned that failed negotiations would leave Israel like the old South Africa.

Tags: israel, palestine, john kerry, united states, apartheid, israeli-palestinian conflict, public opinion, trilateral commission

Major Reform of U.S. International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy to be Proposed in Congress

BBG Watch has learned that a draft bill originating in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which has U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) as Chairman and U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) as Ranking Member, would, if passed by Congress and signed by the President, radically reform the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), an agency currently in charge of U.S. international media outreach.

Tags: broadcasting board of governors, bbg, international broadcasting, foreign policy, media, voice of america, public diplomacy, united states, government pd

New Bill Requires Voice of America to Toe U.S. Line

A powerful pair of lawmakers in the House of Representatives have agreed on major legislation to overhaul Voice of America and other government-funded broadcasting outlets that could have implications for the broadcaster's editorial independence, Foreign Policy has learned.

Tags: voice of america, public diplomacy, united states, broadcasting board of governors, bbg, international broadcasting, media, foreign policy, television, radio, radio free europe, radio liberty, middle east broadcasting networks, radio free europe/radio liberty

Russia Today's Disinformation Campaign

Moscow is subjecting Ukrainians, Russians and the rest of the world to an intense campaign of disinformation that tries to paint a dangerous and false picture of Ukraine’s legitimate government. Russia Today, the Moscow-based TV network financed by the government, is a key player in this campaign of distortion. Along with its Russian operation, RT operates an English-language broadcast out of Washington.

Tags: ukraine, russia, richard stengel, united states, russia today, international broadcasting, propaganda, disinformation, RT, RT America, voice of america, u.s. department of state

Diplomacy + SocialGood: The Future of Diplomacy

On April 22nd, embassy communicators, journalists, thought leaders, and millions of online followers convened in Washington, DC to discuss how—and if—diplomacy has changed with technology. The consensus was that diplomacy will always be built on personal relationships and face-to-face interactions.

Tags: digital diplomacy, new technology, +socialgood, diplomacy, social media


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