A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

From Milan to Mecca: the World's Most Powerful City Brands Revealed

The inaugural Guardian Cities brand barometer ranks world cities on everything from transport and weather to crime and social ‘buzz’ – and they won't all be pleased with the results.

Tags: guardian cities brand barometer, nation branding, city branding, tourism, branding, los angeles

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi

The likely defeat of the Congress Party in India’s 16th general election has prompted considerable debate about the impact a change of guard in Delhi will have on foreign policy. What would India’s foreign policy look like in the event of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government coming to power, either on its own or with the support of allies?

Tags: india, diplomacy, foreign policy, south asia, asia pacific, narendra modi, pakistan, terrorism

Celebrity Boycott Grows Over Brunei Laws Targeting Gays, Women

Jay Leno, Ellen DeGeneres and others are backing boycotts of the Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air because of new laws targeting gays and women in the Southeast Asian sultanate of Brunei.

Tags: brunei, southeast asia, public diplomacy, lgbt, women's rights, celebrity diplomacy, human rights, boycott, beverly hills, united states

Spread of Polio is World Health Emergency, WHO Says

The World Health Organization declared a recent spread of polio to new countries to be an international public-health emergency, warning that it could undermine a lengthy and expensive eradication effort.

Tags: pakistan, syria, cameroon, polio, world health organization, public health, world health, united nations

Vietnam Arrests 2 Dissident Bloggers for Criticizing Government

Vietnam has arrested two democracy activists for posting articles critical of the government on the Internet, signalling a continued crackdown on dissent despite the early release of three dissidents last month.

Tags: vietnam, southeast asia, digital diplomacy, democracy, human rights, social media, new technology

Twitter Campaign #BringBackOurGirls Takes Off

Celebrities and world leaders are drawing attention to the plight of 300 Nigerian school girls kidnapped a month ago by Nigerian terrorists by using the social media campaign #BringBackOurGirls.

Tags: digital diplomacy, social media, nigeria, twitter, celebrity diplomacy, africa, new technology, internet diplomacy

China's Censorship Goes Into Overdrive With Ban on U.S. TV Dramas

Many Chinese fans of American television are feeling aggrieved. They cannot understand why their government is robbing them of even the small pleasures in life. Earlier this month, four US shows - The Big Bang Theory,The Good Wife, NCIS and The Practice - were removed from Chinese internet streaming sites on the censors' order. No reason was given.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, television, censorship, international broadcasting

China Calls Iran a ‘Strategic Partner’

On Monday China and Iran agreed to deepen defense ties, according to Chinese state media. The announcement was made following a meeting between Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan and his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Dehqan.

Tags: china, iran, foreign policy, asia pacific, middle east, diplomacy, military diplomacy


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