A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

In Dame Marie in Haiti, Damaged Roofs Meet Qualified "Bosses"

In Grande Anse, the (International Organization for Migration (IOM) project funded by the Directorate General of Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is helping to repair roofs damaged by Hurricane Matthew as well as train carpenters in para-cyclonic construction techniques.

Tags: foreign aid, international aid, haiti, haiti earthquake recovery, hurricane matthew, infrastructure development

Iraq’s Female Police to be Focus of New Canada Training Effort

Canada reportedly plans to increase the number of police trainers it has in Iraq with a focus on training female police, a move welcomed by Nineveh officials and Mosul’s women.  Canada’s national broadcaster CBC reported this week that the Canadian government will soon announce a plan to increase the number of police they have in Iraq from four to 20 and they will prioritize training female Iraqi police to improve policing efforts related to domestic violence and human trafficking. 

Tags: international exchange, soft power, canada, iraq, iraqi women, police training, police exchange

Beyond the Rot: Cities & the Future of Public Diplomacy

Cities are the primary building block of organized human existence. The concept of civilization – as its etymology suggests – rests on the phenomenon of the city and its distinctiveness from life lived beyond its walls. There has always been a powerful identification between a city and an individual inhabitant. It is the oldest bond in organized politics and hence appropriate that the term “citizen” should have been shared with the larger scale polities as they have emerged.

Tags: city diplomacy, city branding, smart & soft power, government-to-city work, city image, mayors, global cities

Afghan Women Launch Social Media Campaign to Fight for Their Identities

In Afghanistan's patriarchal society, a woman's name should not be revealed, even on her grave. [...] #WhereIsMyName, recently launched by a small group of women's rights activists, wants to bring women's given names to official documents and to the lips of Afghan people.

Tags: advocacy, digital diplomacy, social media, women's rights, afghanistan, #whereismyname

Immigrants Overwhelmed by Generosity of Fayette Folks

When the Shaymurodov family in Tajikistan learned they had been approved for green cards, they thought they had hit the lottery. But after arriving in Peachtree City July 15, they discovered they had truly picked the right place to live after after an outpouring of support from the community.

Tags: cultural exchange, tajikistan, fayette, georgia, neighbors, support

Melania Trump to Lead U.S. Delegation to Toronto for Invictus Games

Melania Trump has booked her first solo foreign trip as first lady, leading the U.S. delegation in September for the Olympics-style games for wounded military personnel. [...] More than 550 individuals from 17 countries are expected to compete in 12 sports in the September games. The figure includes about 90 American athletes.

Tags: sports diplomacy, invictus games, olympics, military personnel, toronto, first lady, melania trump

Armenian Monument to Mark 25 Years of Diplomacy with India

Ties between India and Armenia, a former Soviet republic in the Caucasus region, have been growing rapidly in recent years. The country has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with various institutions, including with IIT-M, Anna University and Ramachandra Medical College, to promote educational links with the country.

Tags: soft power, relationship-building, armenia, india, monument, education, film


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