A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Conference on Freedom of Expression Opens

Speaking at the opening session of the international conference on threats facing freedom of expression, Dr Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri said that it was unacceptable to impose mass sanctions against civilians or journalists for any political differences. Officials from over 200 international rights groups, press syndicates, think-tanks and universities are taking part in the two-day conference at Ritz Carlton Doha.

Tags: international advocacy, freedom of expression, doha, qatar, international conference, journalists, ngos

The Role of EXPO 2017 in Forming Kazakhstan’s National Brand

Expo 2017, held this summer in Astana, opens up a lot of opportunities for Kazakhstan: from modernization of the energy sector to a breakthrough in tourism and from the optimization of transport infrastructure to the strengthening of international cooperation. One of the expo’s most important achievements, undoubtedly, will be the promotion of Kazakhstan’s national brand.

Tags: op-ed, nation branding, kazakhstan, expo astana 2017, modernization, energy, tourism, international cooperation

South Korean Retailer Giving People What They Want: Taiwanese Pineapple Cake

Taiwanese eats are a key part of the country's soft power in Asia, and this is never any truer than it is for South Koreans. Tourists from the country are easy to spot in every Carrefour, filling their baskets with local snacks. Chief among them are pineapple cakes, the buttery pastry filled with sweet pineapple-flavored jam that may or may not contain actual pineapple.

Tags: soft power, taiwan, south korea, pineapple cakes, asia, food diplomacy

Book Fair Symbol of Soft Power of Hong Kong

Welcome to the 2017 Hong Kong Book Fair, the biggest annual event of the industry, at the Convention Centre in Wan Chai. [...] In its 28th year, the event has attracted 670 exhibitors from 37 countries, with dozens of presentations and seminars involving speakers.

Tags: soft power, op-ed, book fair, hong kong, publishing houses, presentations, seminars

Tulsa Reputation Grows as International Location

Tulsa Global Alliance (TGA) is working to enhance Tulsa’s reputation as an international hub, says Bob Lieser, vice president of programs for TGA. One way the group is doing that is through its many exchange programs, which enable Tulsans “to make powerful friends in vital countries,” he says.

Tags: city branding, international exchange, tulsa global alliance, tulsa, oklahoma, international hub

Qatar’s Crisis Management Comms: The Game Plan

The Gulf crisis has hit the eighth week of its diplomatic standoff. Prior to the trade siege, and right after the Qatar News Agency cyber-attack that U.S. intelligence officials now attribute to the UAE, the media voice between the parties involved was vehement. [...] Qatar’s communications have capitalized on three elements: 1) show concern; 2) prove that Qatari leaders are in control; and 3) display commitment to stakeholders.

Tags: international broadcasting, public relations, qatar, middle east, crisis management, government pd

Pak Teachers Depart for International Chinese Teachers’ Training Programme

Around 40 teachers from Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Punjab were seen off by China’s acting ambassador Zhao Lijian on Sunday on a 15-day trip to China, to partake in the 2017 International Chinese Language Teacher Training Programme. The faculty members would undergo different kinds of training by Chinese trainers at the Beijing International Education Exchange Center (BIEEC).

Tags: international exchange, education, teachers abroad, pakistan, china, exchange teacher

Lambadi Dance Enthralls Audience at Tribal India Fest in London

Lambadi dance, one of the most popular tribal dances of South India, formed part of colorful presentations at the Tribal India fest in London recently. Organized by Red Lotus Events in association with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), the Nehru Centre, and the High Commission of India, the three-day event had some of the most interesting tribal dances of Odisha, Gujarat, Assam and other States showcased, apart from handicrafts and other attributes displayed at various stalls.


Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, lambadi, tribal india fest, london, uk, tribal dance


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