A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Women in Charge Talk About Gender Roles

Society often encourages women in Ukraine to take the “traditional values” path in life: Get married, have children and take care of their breadwinning husbands. Those who choose to live differently, often independently, encounter judgmental attitudes or worse.

Tags: international advocacy, internews, journalism of tolerance, women's empowerment, kyiv, ukraine, usaid

Medical Ship Embarks on Epic Voyage From Rosyth to Peruvian Amazon

A fully-equipped medical ship has set sail from Rosyth on an epic 6,600 mile transatlantic voyage to Peru. The Vine Trust's MV Forth Hope is heading to the remote Amazonian city of Iquitos in Peru where it will provide life-changing healthcare services to isolated and vulnerable communities.

Tags: foreign aid, medical aid, healthcare, medical care, rosyth, scotland, peru

U.S. Embassy Hosts Youth Basketball Clinics with Four Sports Envoys

The U.S. Embassy, in partnership with the National Basketball Association (NBA), the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), and the Ethiopian Basketball Federation, is hosting a two-day basketball clinic for Ethiopian youths from July 29-30, 2017 at the Ras-Hailu Gym in Addis Ababa.

Tags: sports diplomacy, ethiopian youth, basketball diplomacy, nba, wnba, us embassy, us state department

EU Migrant Crisis: France Plans Asylum 'Hotspots' in Libya

The French leader said that migrants were destabilizing Libya and Europe by fueling people-smuggling, which in turn funded terrorism. "The idea is to create hotspots to avoid people taking crazy risks when they are not all eligible for asylum. We'll go to them," he said on Thursday at a naturalization ceremony in the central city of Orléans.

Tags: soft power, france, Migrant Crisis, libya, asylum hotspots, counter-terrorism

How Kenyans Are Using Tech to Stop Election Fraud and Violence

Kenya's last two general elections have been tarnished by allegations of fraud and outbreaks of violence, which have divided the nation since. The country is hailed as Africa's Silicon Savannah and when citizens head to the polls again on 8th August, they will be using technology to make sure these elections are free and credible.

Tags: digital diplomacy, technology, kenya, kenyan elections, silicon savannah, africa

City Brands as Building Blocks of the Nation Brand

In recent years, the discipline of nation branding has become a new frontier in how nations position themselves to compete for global share of, amongst others, attention, tourism, investment and skills. Cities have become an integral pillar in building strong competitive nation brands because a nation is, after all, a collection of cities - or city brands.


Tags: city branding, nation branding, global reputation, tourism, investment, collection of cities

Piano Diplomacy

The Festival of the Americas brings together the University of Iowa and Colombian students to learn from each other and grow as pianists. [...] The festival has new and returning students from two different cultures in which students learn from each other, not only about music but also about culture, like when one another normally eat, work, and practice.

Tags: piano diplomacy, music exchange, Cultural Diplomacy, festival of the americas, united states, colombia

Diplomacy Through Poetry

It was the Spring and Autumn period’s diplomatic practice called “fushi yanzhi,” by which one used or quoted poems to express one's intention. Feudal lords of the period even hired officials whose job was to collect poetry to be used for diplomacy.

Tags: soft power, poetry, classic Chinese poetry, fushi yanzhi, diplomatic practice, diplomatic history


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