A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cricket Giving Hope to Refugees In Serbia

Tens of thousands of Iraqis, Syrians and Afghans passed through here, heading for the Hungarian or Croatian border, hoping to get to Germany or Austria. [...] The vast majority left were young men and boys from Afghanistan and Pakistan. And the game of choice to pass the time in the refugee camps was cricket.

Tags: sports diplomacy, cricket, serbia, iraqis, syrians, afghans, refugee camps

Inland Empire Percussionist Practices Music Diplomacy in Russia

Inland Empire musician and UC Riverside alumnus Eddie Valencia recently got the chance to utilize his talent as a percussionist — in Russia. He took part in OneBeat, a global music-based diplomacy program. Valencia first participated in the domestic version of the program in 2015, but returned this year to step out of his musical comfort zone and explore the sounds and styles of Russia.

Tags: music diplomacy, united states, russia, percussionist, OneBeat, eddie valencia, across borders

Dancing a Timeline: Stars of American Ballet

George Balanchine’s Jewels has its 50th anniversary this year, an event that was commemorated at New York City’s Lincoln Center last month with performances by dancers from the Paris Opera Ballet, New York City Ballet, and the Bolshoi Ballet. The performances were notable not just for the coming together of three of the world’s great dance companies, but because their international representation mirrored the work itself.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, dance diplomacy, ballet, lincoln center, international reputation, jewels

Giant Exhibits Mark Cultural Ties Between Canada and India

The cultural ties and bilateral trade growth between Canada and India is growing stronger by the day and it is important to realize the role art and culture plays in expanding the socio-economic balance of a country. [...] An international project celebrating 150 years of Canada and 70 years of India’s Independence marked on August 15th, 2017 is being planned by way of a unique exhibit which will travel to India and back home to Canada – collecting culture stories through the creative process and travels.

Tags: people-to-people diplomacy, canada, india, Cultural Diplomacy, art, mutual understanding

Qatar Hits Back at Gulf Rivals with Neymar Soft Power Play

"The announcement of Neymar's transfer to PSG was piloted among the high ranks in Qatar as a sort of communications strategy that would overshadow the debate around all other considerations, namely terrorism," said Mathieu Guidere, an expert in the geopolitics of the Arab world.

Tags: soft power, qatar, neymar, soccer, communication strategy, terrorism, middle east

For UK, Feminist Foreign Policy is the Right Thing and Smart Strategy

The UK actively promotes gender equality both at home and abroad but it falls short of defining itself by a feminist agenda. At a time when it is not clear what does define UK foreign policy, other than the looming exit from the EU, promoting a feminist foreign policy could be an opportunity for the UK to provide leadership and to promote its human-rights based values abroad at a time when both are being challenged on the world stage. 

Tags: op-ed, nation branding, feminist foreign policy, uk, post-brexit, leadership, human rights

Russian Diplomatic Culture and the Image of Diplomats

The image of the Russian diplomats and its reflection on social media allows us to see the wide critique towards the diplomats from the general public. It is an interesting issue to discuss: why do the Russians actually care about the image of their diplomats? The perceptions about diplomatic culture and stereotypes about diplomacy in general have deep roots.

Tags: nation branding, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, russia, diplomatic culture, social media, diplomatic history

Facebook Fights Fake News with Links to Other Angles

Facebook will become the suggester of perspective to avoid being the “arbiter of truth”. It’s rolling out “Related Articles” that appear below news links to stories lots of people are posting about on Facebook, or that are suspected to be false news and have been externally fact checked by Facebook’s partners. [...] Pre-click Related Articles are rolling out in the US, Germany, France, and Netherlands today.

Tags: digital diplomacy, facebook, fake news, arbiter of truth, digital advocacy, US, germany, france, netherlands


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