A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

In War Zones, Education Is Being Cut from Aid – Young People Join Isis

Put simply, a lack of education is a driver of extremist ideologies; in a world where there are so many conflict zones, it’s more urgent than ever that foreign aid is allocated for education that gives young people the resilience and critical skills to reject hate and violence. Schools have become targets of war. The Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack has noted that there has been a series of attacks on schools in at least 21 countries experiencing armed conflict and insecurity since 2013. These are not accidents.

Tags: non-state pd, Child Education, education, displaced persons, armed conflict, history and theory, counter-terrorism, islamic extremism, foreign aid

Funding Needs for UN’s 2030 Development Agenda Skyrocket - To Trillions

As the United Nations assesses the implementation of its 2030 Agenda for Development, including its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the estimated funding needs keep skyrocketing --- from the initial millions and billions to trillions of dollars annually. Roberto Bissio, Coordinator of Social Watch, said the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that all but a few countries have the necessary resources domestically to offer a dignified social protection floor to everybody.

Tags: united nations, sustainable development goals, non-state pd, international NGOs, funding increase, civil rights, poverty alleviation

Germany Loves Obama, While Trump's Faux Pas Diplomacy Continues at NATO

While the agenda for discussion was as academic: 'Actively shaping democracy – taking responsibility at home and abroad', the speakers, Merkel and Obama, were received as if they were rockstars. Obama may not be US president, but he can still pull in the crowds. This was Obama's first public appearance since he left office in January 2017, but the warm reception was quite reminiscent of the kind he would command as president. Germany loves Obama. It was hard to spot a single placard critical of him.

Tags: germany, u.s., barack obama, Donald Trump, angela merkel, democratic development, government pd, diplomatic relationship, nato, faux pas diplomacy

Norway Fuming After Aid Money Used by PA to Honor Road Massacre Terrorist

Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende has strongly condemned the Palestinian Authority for using Norwegian aid money to establish a women's center in Burqa named in honor of terrorist Dalal Mughrabi. Brende further noted that "Norway will not enter into any new aid agreements with the Palestinian Election Commission or UN Women in Palestine until procedures are put in place to ensure actions such as these don't happen again in the future."

Tags: norway, palestinian authority, foreign aid, government pd, non-state pd, diplomatic relations, terrorist attack, terrorism

EU Director General For Development Visits Somalia, Boosts Support

Stefano Manservisi, the EU's Director General for International Development Cooperation visited Somalia and signed a € 48 million new support package to strengthen governance, promote resilience and support vocational training. During his visit, Manservisi held talks with President Farmaajo and met with federal and regional leaders and confirmed the EU's commitment to supporting Somalia in consolidating achievements in security, governance, productive sectors and technical cooperation.

Tags: foreign aid, government pd, european union, somalia, democratic development, vocational skills

At War with the West

The ANC has adopted as its official position an intelligence report that claims Western imperialist powers are working through opposition parties, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and campaigns such as #ZumaMustFall to bring about “regime change” in countries including South Africa. The report lists “#tag campaigns on social media, such as #ZumaMustFall and #FeesMustFall”, as being among the “soft power” tactics used to advance the cause of regime change in the region.

Tags: african national congress, smart & soft power, western imperialism, south africa, regime change, social media campaign, international NGOs, #ZumaMustFall, africa

Modi becomes Top Followed World Leader on Facebook

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become the top followed leader on Facebook globally. According to data shared exclusively by the social networking giant with ET, Modi's Facebook Page has more followers than Donald Trump and his official page -PMO India -ranks third followed by Modi page's personal page and President Trump. The data also shows that Digital India, Make in India and Swachh Bharat are the most engaged campaigns that have been run by the government.

Tags: narendra modi, digital diplomacy, facebook, india, people-to-people engagement, Donald Trump

Sunday’s World Partnership Walk benefits Work of Aga Khan Foundation

This Sunday, Vancouver will, once again, hold the annual World Partnership Walk in beautiful Stanley Park to benefit the excellent work of the Aga Khan Foundation Canada, which works at the grassroots level in Africa and Asia to “tackle poverty on many fronts: improving access to quality education and health, increasing food security, creating economic opportunities for women and men, and building strong, resilient communities and local institutions”. The foundation engages Canadians from all walks of life, supported by the tireless devotion of volunteers. 

Tags: civic society, Fund Raiser, canada, international development, international cooperation, non-governmental organization


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