A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Development Expert: ‘Haiti Would Be Better Off Without International Aid’

Haiti is one of many poor countries where international aid has failed to fulfil its objectives. Despite billions of dollars being pumped in, little has changed since the disastrous earthquake of 2010, Joel Boutroue told EURACTIV France. Haiti would be better off without aid. After the earthquake, $5bn was spent by the international community. But a large proportion of this money never reached the ground because it covered operational costs. Most is absorbed by international NGOs with not even 1% taken by local NGOs. And the rest is spent on humanitarian aid programmes.

Tags: government pd, foreign aid, haiti earthquake recovery, political corruption, agriculture input, international NGOs, humanitarian aid, haiti

Focus on Famine: Muslim Canadians Use Ramadan to Send Help to Victims

Ramadan is usually a time for fasting, prayer and renewal of religious devotion. For some local Muslims, this year’s Ramadan will also be a time to organize and send some relief to those facing hunger and famine. From Toronto to Ottawa and Calgary, members of the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) are teaming up with students and Muslim volunteers to prepare and pack about 1,500 supply kits to be delivered to thousands of families in Somalia.

Tags: non-state pd, faith diplomacy, canada, canadian pd, somalia, famine, international NGOs, ramadan, humanitarian aid

Nepal Celebrates 2017 Mount Everest Day

Nepal celebrated Mount Everest Day 2017 in the Sheesh Mahal Hall, Serena Hotel with more than two hundred dignitaries, including members of the diplomatic corps and government. Nepal has been celebrating Mount Everest Day since 2008. Present at the event was Everest Summiteer Nazir Sabir whose documentary was displayed and enjoyed thoroughly by the guests. The documentary showcased the grandeur of the peaks, the challenges faced by the mountaineers and their mighty success.

Tags: nepal, pakistan, Cultural Diplomacy, people-to-people exchange, tourism diplomacy, mount everest, mount everest day

Malawi Hopes Embargo to Be Lifted After World Bank Support Resumed

Malawi hopes global lenders will release funds frozen over a government graft scandal three years ago now that the World Bank has resumed its budget support programme. This support traditionally accounts for about 40 percent of the budget of the poor southern African country. [...] "The recent resumption of the World Bank budgetary support, the expected confirmation by the IMF that Malawi is on track in its pursuance of fiscal management reforms are all signs of international confidence coming back in our economic management," Gondwe said.

Tags: malawi, united nations, world bank, international development, foreign aid, anti-corruption

Australia's Fight for a Seat on the UN Human Rights Council

Australian officials have been working hard to secure one of two seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2018-2020 term, pushing at international forums for voting countries to back their bid. [...] Just six months ago, during his visit to Australia, Special Rapporteur for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights François Crépeau said Australia’s human rights standing had been tarnished by its “regressive” migration policies falling behind international standards. Treatment of migrants by boat “served to erode their human rights.”

Tags: australia, united nations, human rights, refugees, turn back the boat, soft power, human rights council

U.S. Aid Agency under Scrutiny for Loans in Chile

The U.S. government is auditing a foreign aid program that loaned almost $1 billion to renewable energy projects in Chile – including solar farms in such deep financial trouble that the loans may never be fully repaid, according to people familiar with the matter. [...] OPIC, which aims to advance U.S. interests by lending to overseas business ventures, loaned about $2.5 billion to 32 projects throughout Latin America, in 2013-2014 with over a third of those funds going to Chilean energy projects.

Tags: united states, chile, international development, foreign aid, aid diplomacy, bilateral relations, renewable energy, latin america

Africa: World No Tobacco Day - The Situation in Rwanda

Every May 31, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and partners mark World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), highlighting the risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption. The Ministry of Health through Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) is organising this year's celebration under the theme, 'Tobacco a Threat to Health, Environment and Development' which will take place at Nyamirambo Stadium in Kigali. According to WHO, about 6 million people die from tobacco use every year. 

Tags: international advocacy, rwanda, africa, united nations, who, health diplomacy, children's health, health, world no tobacco day

Can Professionals Deal with the Ever Increasing Cross-Cultural Relations?

Bangkok professionals are not strangers to the difficulties created by cultural differences, and the need to navigate cross-cultural relationships effectively is becoming more important than ever. The city’s historic position as a hub for the high-growth ASEAN region, and the fact that many multinational companies, such as Exxon Mobil, Huawei, and Unilever, have set up regional offices in the city, has required professionals here to constantly build and maintain a culturally diverse range of business relationships. 

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural differences, economic diplomacy, business diplomacy, people-to-people exchanges, cross-cultural, cross-cultural relationship


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