A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

EU Agreement on Sustainable Development Highlights Role of Co-Ops

The European Union’s new Consensus on Development stresses the role played by co-operatives in the implementation of the UN’s development agenda for 2030. [...] The EU is the world’s largest development aid donor, accounting for more than half of assistance worldwide. The consensus is a response to the UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. [...] The EU says it will also promote private sector initiatives and social enterprises, co-operatives, and women and youth entrepreneurs.

Tags: european union, united nations, international cooperation, sustainable development goals

Cultural Heritage ‘Vital for Peacebuilding in Middle East’: UNESCO chief

Protecting cultural diversity is vital for peacebuilding in the Middle East, the head of the UNESCO Irina Bokova said at Madrid Conference today. [...] “Violent extremists target both heritage and human lives – they target victims and minorities from all backgrounds, Shebak, Turkmen, Yezidis, Muslims, Christians..." [...] “Violent extremists target schools, because they know the power of knowledge to counter their rhetoric drawing on false visions of faith and history," Irina added. 

Tags: unesco, united nations, cultural heritage, culture diplomacy, middle east, spain, cultural preservation

What's a Public Diplomat to Do?

The first 100+ days of the Trump Administration have engendered some new approaches to international relations, making this season of populist politics in the United States a confusing new chapter for diplomacy around the world. For public diplomats, it can be difficult to know where we should currently focus our energy and skills, especially amidst looming budget cuts and disruptions in international travel. So where does a young public diplomat even begin? Where will our efforts be most effective as we build our careers?

Tags: career advice, mentorship, research, Cultural Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, corporate diplomacy, international broadcasting, podcast

Preparations for World Trade Development Week in Dubai Set to Kick Off

The Ministry of Economy has announced that preparations for the ‘World Trade Development Week 2017’ to be held in Dubai from 30 October to 1 November, 2017, are underway. [...] HE Al-Kait revealed the main agendas of the three-day event happening under the theme ‘Navigating Global Trade & Reviving Global Growth’. More than 1,500 representatives from government entities and local and international private institutions are expected to attend the World Trade Development Week in Dubai, ahead the WTO Ministerial Conference. 

Tags: united arab emirates, World Trade Development Forum, united nations, civil society, economic diplomacy, trade diplomacy, international development, international trade

The Soft Power Politics of Sports and the 2018 Olympic Games

There has always been an inherent connection between sports and politics. The cooperation and collaboration intrinsic in team sports aid in nation-building by rousing patriotism and pride. Sportsmanship and camaraderie can strengthen domestic relations or can be magnified as diplomatic relations between states. [...] The role of sports as a form of soft power is more relevant than ever as we look ahead to the 2018 Olympics hosted by South Korea in PyeongChang and the role of international organizations.

Tags: sports diplomacy, olympic games, soft power, people-to-people exchange, united kingdom, south korea, pyeongchang, 2018 sochi winter olympics

Funding Shortfall Hits Starving in NE Nigeria: UN

The World Food Programme last week said nearly two million people were living on the brink of famine in the remote region, which has been devastated by Boko Haram violence since 2009. Boko Haram's Islamist insurgency has killed at least 20,000 people in northeast Nigeria and forced millions of others from their homes. Lack of security, plus restrictions on travel and trade, have hit agriculture hard, led to food shortages and driven up prices. The UN says Nigeria needs $1.05 billion this year to fund vital humanitarian projects including food, clean water and sanitation. 

Tags: humanitarian aid, humanitarian assistance, united nations, nigeria, world food programme, boko haram, counter terrorism measures, counter-terrorism

Belt and Road Initiative Forging Sino-UK Relationship

British chancellor Philip Hammond has called for closer economic ties with China as Britain enters a new post-Brexit era. As early as in 2015 when Chinese President Xi Jin-ping made his first state visit to the United Kingdom, which ushered a “golden age” to bilateral relations, the two great powers declared their consensus in working together with all Belt and Road project partners. [...] China and Britain need to use Xi’s proposed Belt and Road Initiative to raise awareness of the mutual benefits and overall exchanges of people to people of the two countries. 

Tags: united kingdom, china, people-to-people exchange, historical memory, economic diplomacy, bilateral relations, bilateral ties, belt and road initiative, sino-uk relations

Embassy Chef Challenge Takes Diplomacy to a Delicious Place

Visitors of Embassy Chef Challenge can sample authentic cuisines from 35 countries in a single day. One minute they can enjoy salmon ceviche and merquén mussels from Chile, and the next, jollof rice with chicken and fried plantains from Ghana. Adults can taste wines from Bolivia or the iconic gin-based cocktail from Singapore, the Singapore Sling. [...] “It’s a very happy place,” said Red Garcia, the chef representing the Philippines. “Food is like music. We break bread, and we share our culture and values. Everyone brings the best of everything.”

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, food diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy, united states, chile, ghana, bolivia, singapore


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