A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Philippines Still Seeks EU Aid, Only With No Strings Attached

The Philippines hopes the European Union revives an offer to provide development grants -- but this time without conditions linked to the country’s human rights record, according to Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez. “We believe that to help a friend and provide aid it must be without conditions,” Lopez said in an interview late Saturday at a meeting of Asia-Pacific trade ministers in Hanoi, Vietnam. “We would appreciate all aid but we would just request that there be no conditions,” he said.

Tags: foreign aid, european union, philippines, asia-pacific nations, government pd, development aid

Somaliland Opens First Diplomatic Office in Sweden

Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has for the first time opened a diplomatic office in Sweden. Dr. Saad Ali Shire, the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that "The new diplomatic office will play an important role in connecting Somaliland Diaspora in Sweden and our quest for recognition. It will also shall provide assistance for Somaliland people and information to attract Swedish investors." [...] The opening ceremony also attracted friends of Somaliland, members of Swedish media and Somaliland Diaspora in Sweden. 

Tags: somaliland, sweden, diplomatic relations, cultural relations, people-to-people exchange

UAE- Ajman Tourism Department Celebrates International Museum Day

Ajman Tourism Development Department (ATDD) celebrated the International Museum Day on Thursday, internationally acknowledged on May 18th. The ceremony took place at the Ajman Museum and was attended by a number of Emirati heritage enthusiasts, Government officials as well as museum visitors, consisting of residents and tourists. The celebration included a number of heritage activities where the visitors could experience folk dances such as the Liwa and Ayala dances and samples delicious traditional cuisine. 

Tags: united arab emirates, Cultural Diplomacy, museum diplomacy, tourism diplomacy, people-to-people relations, gastro diplomacy

First Africa Business Summit of NRI Forum Gopio Begins

The first Africa Business Summit of NRI forum Gopio began with a call to diaspora Indians to help develop the economies of their own countries and India, using resources they have built over the decades. The three-day summit in Durban organised by Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (Gopio), a non-profit global movement to fight human rights violation of overseas Indians, has brought together 200 delegates from across the globe. [...] It's known that "Indians at all levels continue to set an example and play a role in uplifting the countries where they find themselves." 

Tags: africa, south africa, india, diaspora, indian diaspora, economic diplomacy, people-to-people engagement, civic society

Senators Urge Duterte to 'Think Over' Policy on EU Aid

Some senators urged the Duterte administration to "think over" its decision to shut out developmental aid from the European Union (EU), considering the fight against poverty and the country's ties with one of its biggest trading partners. Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon said on Friday, May 19, that he was "saddened" by the decision, since the EU has been a "reliable trading partner" whose assistance has benefited Filipinos, especially those in poor communities. 

Tags: european union, philippines, foreign aid, international development, aid diplomacy, trade diplomacy

"Citizen Diplomacy" for Better Japan-South Korea Relations

Since the beginning of the year, Japan’s official relations with the Korean Peninsula have gone from bad to worse.With South Korea, the past continues to plague the bilateral relationship.[...] Only last month did Tokyo return the Japanese ambassador to Seoul after he was withdrawn in January to protest a comfort women statue in Busan. [...] Yet one option to repair relations with South Korea, and perhaps even make some headway with North Korea, seems obvious if you are in Kansai: Use Japan’s Korean community as an unofficial diplomatic channel of communication.

Tags: japan, south korea, citizen diplomacy, people-to-people diplomacy, historical memory, people-to-people engagement

Melania Trump Makes Her International Debut as First Lady

While most of the focus for the next nine days will be on President Donald Trump as he makes his first international trip as commander in chief, there will be plenty of eyes on first lady Melania Trump, also set to bow on the global stage. [...] Trump's schedule will be packed with many events alongside her husband, but she will also make excursions on her own. If her handful of public events stateside are any indication, Trump could spend time at schools, hospitals, or museums, just like she did before with Queen Rania of Jordan and China's Madam Peng. 

Tags: melania trump, first lady, Donald Trump, saudi arabia, united states, slovenia, italy, israel, vatican

First Stop on Trump’s First Overseas Trip, Signals Saudi Arabia’s Importance

President Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia — the first stop on his first overseas trip, beginning Friday — is designed to solidify its premier partnership with the Muslim world. Over two days hectic schedule, the president will hold bilateral meetings and a summit with the six Persian Gulf states. At a lunch with leaders of more than 50 majority-Muslim countries,Trump will deliver what White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster called “an inspiring, yet direct speech” on his vision for confronting radical ideology, spreading peace and sharing the burdens of achieving both.

Tags: President Trump, saudi arabia, israel, nato, brussels, vatican, counter terrorism, faith diplomacy


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