A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Denmark Says World Needs TechPlomacy Alongside Diplomacy

Anders Samuelsen, the Danish foreign minister who appointed the first tech ambassador to Silicon Valley, looks for inspiration in Israel and other tech hubs. Samuelsen, 49, who has headed the ministry since November, has made digital and technological development in Denmark one of the key strategic priorities for the nation’s foreign policy. [...] The country also set up an innovation center in Tel Aviv last year, one of seven the Scandinavian nation has opened globally.

Tags: denmark, israel, silicon valley, tech diplomacy

Music Diplomacy: The Philadelphia Orchestra's 2017 Tour of Asia

The 2017 three-week tour features concerts and cultural exchange activities in Shanghai, Beijing, Ulaanbaatar, Seoul, and Hong Kong. 2017 is also the first year of new five-year partnerships with China's National Centre for the Performing Arts, the Shanghai Oriental Art Center, and the Shanghai Media Group Performing Arts Division. [...] This is the first time a Western orchestra has engaged in people-to-people exchange and outreach activities in Mongolia,made possible by the Department of State and the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar.

Tags: united states, china, mongolia, music diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, bilateral relations, cultural exchange

President Macron First Overseas Trip, Heads to Mali

President Emmanuel Macron undertook his first trip as commander-in-chief on Friday when he met troops fighting Islamist militants in Mali. Macron, a newcomer to international diplomacy, put counter-terrorism at the top of his security priorities during the election campaign, vowing to strengthen support for West African allies. "Emmanuel Macron made the commitment during the campaign to immediately go and see troops engaged in the fight against terrorism," said a senior French diplomat.

Tags: President Macron, france, mali, counter terrorism, counter insurgency, Islamist extremist, Islamist extremism, UN peacekeeping, Mauritania, sudan, bilateral ties, bilateral relations

A Meeting Between Trump and Colombia’s President Skirts Aid Issue

President Donald Trump congratulated Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos on his hard-won peace deal with leftist rebels who terrorized the South American nation for 50 years. But Trump did not explicitly endorse the plan that has divided the Colombia, left gaping questions about future U.S. financial support. [...] During a joint appearance in the East Room, Trump did pledge to continue to work with the Colombian government to target drug trafficking networks and reduce coca cultivation and cocaine production

Tags: united states, foreign aid, drug trafficking, colombia, President Trump, President Santos, Peace Building Effort

One Belt, One Road Summit: Same Event, Different Portrayals

The two-day OBOR summit, one of the most eagerly anticipated events in China this year, ended on May 15. Party mouthpieces referred to the meeting as a high-level international conference with far-reaching implications for the whole world. [...] If anything, the summit was marked by three things— big fat cheques, thunderous applause and hype surrounding president Xi Jinping’s “achievements”.[...] XI vowed pledged to provide an extra 60 billion yuan in foreign aid for countries along the economic corridor plus 2 billion yuan in emergency food aid.

Tags: OBOR, china, asia, aid diplomacy, international development, food aid, foreign aid, germany, united kingdom

Philippines Spurns EU Interference, Rejects 250 Million Euro Aid

The Duterte administration turned down 250 million euros worth of development aid from the European Union (EU) because it “may be used as the reason for interfering in the internal affairs of the country,” a Cabinet official familiar with the issue said. The high level source, who only agreed to speak under anonymity, told the Inquirer that the move aims to block the EU from questioning how the Philippines adopts and follows the rule of law, including respect for human rights.

Tags: philippines, asean, european union, President Duterte, foreign aid, china, human rights

Hope in Battle Against The Deadliest Disease You've Never Heard of

When eight-year-old Sita, an orphan from one of the most marginalized sections of Indian society – developed a fever, her condition gradually worsened despite her family’s efforts to treat her. [...] But she was lucky. Correct treatment was administered and she was saved. Ten years ago, this story may have ended differently.[...] Much of the recent legwork has come from an international consortium called Tackling Visceral Leishmaniasis in South Asia and East Africa (KalaCORE), backed by £21.5m of funding from the UK’s Department for International Development (DfID.

Tags: foreign aid, infectious diseases, health diplomacy, india, south asia, nepal, uk, international development

Ambassador of Austria: Creating a Country Brand is "A Challenge"

Austrians do not know enough about Romania, and creating a country brand is "a challenge," Austrian Ambassador in Bucharest Gerhard Reiweger stated on Wednesday, at the Youth's Perspective on Romania's Public Diplomacy within the EU" event. [...] "The image of a country's economy is part of the global perception. If Austria is perceived only in cultural or tourism terms, it means that we have to work on our image from the economic involvement point of view. It is the same for Romania.

Tags: austria, romania, nation branding, cultural tourism, european union, youth diplomacy


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