A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Abe, S. Korean leader's Envoy Agree to Resume 'Shuttle Diplomacy'

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a special envoy of new South Korean President Moon Jae In agreed Thursday to resume "shuttle diplomacy" between the two leaders, according to the envoy. The shuttle diplomacy, which sees the leaders visit each other's countries roughly every year, has been suspended since December 2011 under the administration of then President Lee Myung Bak.The two leaders could hold their first face-to-face talks in July on the margins of a summit of Group of 20 major economies in Germany.

Tags: japan, south korea, north korea, shuttle diplomacy, shinzo abe, moon jae-in

Open Sesame: Triumph for Science Diplomacy as Synchrotron Opens in Jordan

The Sesame synchrotron opened its doors in Jordan this week, allowing scientists who would normally find it difficult to meet because of the troubled relations between their countries, to carry out collaborative research at a local facility.The Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, situated 35 kilometres north of the Jordanian capital Amman, unites Cyprus, Iran, Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey – countries usually hostile to each other. The other founding members include Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan.

Tags: jordan, turkey, israel, palestine, middle east, science diplomacy

Two-Day Youth Summit of IDB Annual Meeting Begins

The first Youth Summit of the Islamic Development Bank Group Annual Meeting brought together youth leaders, influential thinkers, policy makers, entrepreneurs and international development policy experts to discuss critical matters of relevance to youth in IDBG member countries. The delegates at the two-day Youth Summit, begins today, drew attention to the key role of youth in overcoming development issues in areas ranging from education, employment, entrepreneurship, networking to financial inclusion.

Tags: civil society, Youth Summit, youth diplomacy, islamic development bank, islam, arab league, middle east

Egypt’s Image and The Country’s Soft Power

It is a confusing question: Who is responsible for Egypt’s image? The investment conference in Sharm El-Sheikh created an “attractive atmosphere”, however the Egyptian government did not complete it. The same thing happened with Lionel Messi when he came to Cairo to promote the treatment of Hepatitis C in Egypt. Finally, Pope Francis’ visit to Egypt shed light on Egypt’s efforts in religious tolerance. After the visit, we were very happy and exchanged congratulations, but we did not realize, as usual, that the difficult part would be in the next day.

Tags: egypt, soft power, nation branding, pope francis, religious tolerance

Indonesian Foreign Ministry, UGM Reviewing Future of Digital Diplomacy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with experts from the Center for Digital Society Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), held a joint study on the future of digital diplomacy for Indonesia. More than 30 experts in diplomacy and information communication technology, as well as 100 observers, consultants, academics, and foreign diplomats, participated in the Experts Meeting on Diplomacy, which was held in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Wednesday.

Tags: digital diplomacy, MOFA RI, Kemlu, UGM, AM Fachir, indonesia

Before Summit, South Korea and US Find Common Ground on North Korea

South Korea and the US’s tentative agreement to hold a summit in Washington as early as the end of June appears to mean that both sides recognize the need to fill the gap in summit diplomacy, created by the impeachment of former president Park Geun-hye, as soon as possible. At the same time, the Blue House also seems determined to quickly dispel US concerns about South Korea’s new president, Moon Jae-in.

Tags: summit diplomacy, south korea, US, north korea, korean peninsula

Trump Expands Order Defunding International Planned Parenthood

President Trump on Monday expanded the Mexico City Policy that bans funding for abortions outside U.S. borders to include a broader range of international aid programs.The policy applies to approximately $8.8 billion in funds appropriated to the Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Department of Defense. Under previous administrations, the ban was applied on a more limited basis to $60 million in foreign aid programming.

Tags: President Trump, mexico, united states, usaid, foreign aid, Planned Parenthood, Women's health

Overseas Requests Soar for UK Aid on Cyber Crime

Inquiries from overseas prosecutors to their British counterparts about cyber crime have soared, underscoring the vital role the UK plays for investigators and criminals alike.High quality global journalism requires investment. The number of so-called Mutual Legal Assistance requests from foreign authorities to the UK relating to cyber crime jumped by 12 per cent in 2016, to 1,855, according to Home Office statistics gleaned through a Freedom of Information request.

Tags: Cyber Crime, digital diplomacy, uk, european union, brexit, international aid


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