A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Australian Aid Cuts May Hit Asia-Pacific Development

"Many bilateral aid programmes to Asia have been cut by over 40 per cent and there have been complete withdrawals from some sectors such as regional health programmes in South-East Asia. There has been a lack of strategic vision in Asia so clearly demonstrated by Australia’s reduction in assistance to Myanmar as a fledgling democracy and transitioning economy. We also remain extremely concerned that the most vulnerable people living on Pacific island nations are inadequately protected from climate change,” Purcell tells SciDev.Net. 

Tags: bilateral relations, australia, south asia, government pd, democratic development, emerging economies, climate change, foreign aid, global aid, international aid

'Lights of Rome': Sports Diplomacy Breaks Cultural Barrier

Sports has the power to unite the world like little else or so proves a documentary on the UAE fotoball team. The Emirates Diplomatic Academy, as part of its Culture Week, screened Lights of Rome - a documentary on the incredible journey of the UAE's national football team to 1990 Fifa World Cup Italy. The heroics of the Golden Generation of footballers in 1990 placed the UAE on the world map and also provided a glimpse of the progress the country was set to make in future. More importantly, the world stage provided an opportunity to showcase the Emirati culture and promote the country.

Tags: sports diplomacy, non-state pd, Cultural Diplomacy, united arab emirates, uae, documentary, italy, non-state pd

Government Is Committed To Teacher Development – President

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has expressed government’s commitment to enhance the teacher professional development status of the country. This he said would be done through the Transforming Teacher Education and Learning (T-TEL), which seeks to transform the delivery of pre-service teacher education and improve the quality of teacher education and learning through all colleges of education in the country. He noted that the UK’s Department for International Development was supporting Ghana’s implementation of the T-TEL.

Tags: ghana, international development, united kingdom, government pd, teachers, education reform, T-TEL

Why Tillerson Needs The Media

The latest incident saw Secretary Tillerson and the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al Jubeir, taking questions about the president’s visit to Saudi Arabia from a group of international journalists that did not include members of the American press corps. U.S. journalists complained that they weren’t even given a head’s up about the briefing, a shocking breach of norms that took place in one of the least press-friendly countries on Earth—a place where a servile media parrots the government’s line at almost all times and where bloggers are given lashes for speaking out.

Tags: international broadcasting, secretary of state, government pd, international journalism, public information, media, news media

Haley Wants UN to Shift Aid Focus to Nations Hosting Syrians

President Donald Trump's U.N. ambassador called Monday for the U.N. and aid agencies to shift focus in how they support Syrians in need by boosting support for roads, schools and hospitals in neighboring countries that have been overwhelmed by millions of refugees. Speaking in Jordan, host to some 660,000 Syrian refugees, Nikki Haley argued that lack of coordination among aid agencies has led duplicated efforts and inefficiencies after seven years of civil war in the Arab country.

Tags: non-state actor pd, un ambassador, syrian refugees, infrastructure development, non-governmental organization, syria, foreign aid, humanitarian aid, Nikki Haley, un

Taiwanese Minister: China Is Playing Politics With Health

Taiwan's health minister on Monday accused China of playing politics with health after Taiwan was blocked from taking part in the annual meeting of the governing body of the World Health Organization for the first time since 2008. Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shih-chung lashed out at China's actions, which Beijing said was taken because Taiwan's year-old government has reneged on the "One China" principle.

Tags: government pd, global health, world health organization, china, China-Taiwan relations, united nations, health diplomacy

After Yoga, Modi Now Want To Make Khadi An International Brand

After the success of Prime Minister Modi's take-yoga-global campaign, it's now the humble Khadi that he wants to take across borders as India peddles its soft power on the international stage. "The government is aiming at making the 'Khadi' a global product identity of India, as it did for Yoga. But before, taking the major step, it plans to put its house in order. A global identity of Khadi would also allow many rural artisans to earn better," a person with direct knowledge of the mater told ET. 

Tags: nation branding, international broadcasting, PM Modi, yoga diplomacy, smart & soft power

The Pitfalls Of 'Impeachment Diplomacy:' Lessons From Nixon In Trump's Foreign Trip

In late spring of 1974, Washington newspapers were crammed with headlines about Watergate and impeachment. But President Nixon was 6,500 miles away in Saudi Arabia, in the middle of an ambitious 10-day, seven-stop foreign trip. His ill-fated mission — derided by critics as "impeachment diplomacy" — holds a lesson for President Trump: While successes in foreign policy can help distract from troubles at home, domestic problems can also spill over into foreign policy and have long-reaching consequences.

Tags: history and theory, richard nixon, Donald Trump, government diplomacy, saudi arabia, impeachment


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