A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Counting Pennies: A Review of Foreign Aid to End Violence Against Children

A new report shows only a small fraction of official development assistance goes toward ending violence against children. For the first time, a review of official development assistance (ODA) to end violence against children has been done. The report Counting Pennies found that in 2015, total ODA spending was $174 billion and of that, less than 0.6 per cent was allocated to ending violence against children. Civil society partners that collaborated on this report were World Vision International, SOS Children’s Villages, Save the Children and ChildFund Alliance.

Tags: foreign aid, international development, human rights, children's rights, united nations, official development assistance, development assistance, violence against children

US Ambassador to the UN's Humanitarian Visit to Turkey

The US permanent Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, visited Turkey and Jordan to see the humanitarian challenges both countries face and to hear possible solutions for the humanitarian situation in war-torn Syria. [...] Earlier on Tuesday, Haley visited a UNICEF treatment facility that was providing emotional support to refugee children from Syria. “Today we visited a health center that trains Syrian doctors and nurses to practice medicine in Turkey, helping their fellow refugees.” Haley wrote on Twitter.

Tags: united states, turkey, syria, refugee, humanitarian efforts, Nikki Haley, united nations, un

The Need to Know: Cricket Diplomacy

Nowadays, one of the most historically charged rivalries on the international stage is that between Pakistan and India, and nowhere is it bigger than in the sport the countries are best at: cricket. India and Pakistan have been playing cricket against each other since 1952, and the game has become a metaphor of sorts for the countries’ relationship. In fact, the politics between the two nations and the games on the field are so intertwined that a phrase was coined: Cricket Diplomacy. 

Tags: sports diplomacy, cricket diplomacy, india, pakistan, culture diplomacy, bilateral relations, historical memory

China Seeks to Build Partnerships in Africa Through Language

The 2017 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa was hosted by the Confucius Institute at the University of Zambia with the goal to “exchange experiences to enhance cooperation and promote the development of Confucius Institutes of Africa”. The spread of Confucius Institutes across Africa, however, is only half of China’s language strategy. In addition to promoting Chinese language learning, China is also encouraging its own citizens to learn the native languages of those countries that it has diplomatic relations with. 

Tags: china, morocco, confucius institute, language diplomacy, bilateral relations, China's Soft Power, Cultural Diplomacy

"Young Cultural Ambassadors" Enjoy a Day of Cultural Immersion

Children's Day came early for a group of "Young Cultural Ambassadors" who were given the rare opportunity last Saturday, to interact with a real Ambassador and enjoy a day of learning, art and games at the Embassy of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.The event aimed to promote cultural awareness by bringing the world to Chinese children and taking Chinese culture to children all over the world. It was also part of of activities organized by the Embassy to commemorate 45 years Guyana-China diplomatic relations. 

Tags: guyana, china, people-to-people exchange, Cultural Diplomacy, bilateral relations, youth diplomacy

Trump Proposes Deep U.S. Spending Cuts in Mexico, Central America

President Donald Trump on Tuesday proposed drastically slashing U.S. foreign aid spending in Mexico and Central America, which are struggling with drug violence, graft and poverty.  2018 Mexican aid of $87.66 million, down more than 45 percent from the 2016 outlay. The budget proposes scrapping most U.S. money for the Mexican military, along with counterterrorism funds and some governance programs. In Guatemala, U.S. aid would drop almost 40 percent from 2016, to $80.66 million, while in Honduras and El Salvador it would fall nearly a third.

Tags: Trump, mexico, united states, latin america, central america, foreign aid, counter terrorism measures, guatemala, honduras, foreign aid, aid diplomacy

International Development NGO World Neighbors Focuses On Women

In order to reduce poverty and introduce community development, oftentimes it’s best to start with women. That’s the approach taken by Oklahoma City-based non-governmental organization World Neighbors in its work in Nepal and India. World Neighbors currently works in about 20 villages in Bihar, India and in nearly 32 communities over five districts in Nepal. The three main areas of work are sustainable agriculture and rural livelihood, community-based natural resource management, and reproductive health and gender equity.

Tags: international development, women empowerment, gender diplomacy, india, nepal, non-state pd, education diplomacy

Egypt and Canada to Advance Education Links

Canadian Minister of Immigration Refugees and Citizenship, Ahmed Hussein, has arrived in Egypt to advance education exchange opportunities between Egypt and Canada. During his visit, Hussein attended the Canadian International College in Cairo where he met with the President of the college and Canadian Ambassador to Egypt Troy Lulashnyk. There are plans to establish the University of Canada in Egypt which will provide accredited degrees from Canadian universities.

Tags: education exchange, international exchange, bilateral relations, bilateral ties, universities, higher education, canada, egypt


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