The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

On the mountain road between Sulaimani and Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan

The rarity and significance of Kurdistan’s stability are underscored by events of this week. 

nation branding graphic

Reflections on the conceptual implications of nation branding: how branding a nation develops its soft power advantage

Brazil protests

The lasting legacy of the 2014 FIFA World Cup will not be the grand infrastructure or (questionable) economic boom promised by their FIFA overlords.

Brazil fans

The World Cup might not be all hearts and roses for Brazil.

Di Wu explores how the 100,000 strong network is shaping U.S.-China relation. 

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia visiting Emperor Akihito in Japan

CPD Blogger Neal Rosendorf on the recent abdication of King Juan Carlos I, Spanish soft power, democracy and more.

Obama plays ball

For years, the rest of the world has looked to America – either with gratitude or resentment – as the world’s policeman. Now, that 911 call may be rerouted.

The world of exchange diplomacy could learn a lot from this small initiative gone big.



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