The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

CPD Research Fellow Mieczysław (Mietek) Boduszyński & co-author Sarah Alaoui of Johns Hopkins SAIS examine what's needed to reconfigure America's image & credibility abroad.

Across the sub-Saharan Africa, the airlift's luminaries laid a strong foundation in both public and private sectors.

ACPD Exec. Director Vivian S. Walker shares findings on staying competitive in the global information space.

Takeaways from CPD's July 16, 2020 roundtable convening a dozen participating cities from across North America.

Former diplomats Earle and Barbara Scarlett make policy recommendations for the U.S.' role on the global stage.

Professor at University of Porto Jorge Marinho and his students in the applied languages in business relations program examine the Chinese government's social media use in Africa in the context of Belt & Road.

Schwarzman Scholar Christopher Scott Carpenter shares a media toolkit and photo essay about preserving the dignity of people featured in stories.

UN Security Advisor Justin Rashid dives deep into the #COVID19 response in Jordan.



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