A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Celebrity Social Media Push to Help Somalia Goes Viral

A social media campaign aiming at delivering humanitarian aid to Somalia, a country on the brink of famine, through a Turkish Airlines flight has gone viral with backing from celebrities and people across the world. After being initiated with a tweet by Jerome Jarre, the French social media celebrity, on Wednesday, the Twitter hashtags #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia and #LoveArmyForSomalia have taken on a snowballing effect with support from a group of celebrities.

Tags: digital diplomacy & new tech, global aid & development, non state pd, entertainment industry, somalia, #LoveArmyForSomalia, twitter, social media

The Boyband Bringing China's Dreams of Soft Power to Life

More than half a century on, as Britain’s music industry continues to propel it to the top ranks of surveys such as the Soft Power 30, there are signs that another cultural revolution may be under way. But this time the mop-topped oddballs with a catchy tune hail from a country that has until now rarely bothered the top ranks of such surveys: China.

Tags: smart & soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, soft power 30, united states, united kingdom, china, music, the fighting boys

Ethiopia: Stepping Up Regional Clicking

This week, prime minister Hailemariam Dessalegn had presented a six-month performance assessment report of his government to the House of Peoples Representatives. Foreign relation and diplomacy were among the overarching themes. [...] Efforts were channelled towards helping the country enjoy finance either in a form of loan or aid for trade, investment, tourism. In general, the activities were focused on economic diplomacy.

Tags: government pd, economic diplomacy, ethiopia, africa, economic development, trade, tourism, regional ties, djibouti

Saudi Arabia Seeks New Footing for International Diplomatic Relations

Members of the Saudi government are visiting the US and China. In both countries, they are striving for good relations - and their traveling diplomacy shows that the kingdom is exploring new paths. [...] the crown prince bent over backwards to offer pleasantries, calling Trump a "true friend" of the Arabs and declaring that he did not believe Trump's attempted travel banwas aimed at Muslims. Rather, the crown prince stated, the US simply wanted to protect itself from terrorism.

Tags: middle east, saudi arabia, united states, Donald Trump, foreign policy, government pd, terrorism

China, Philippines Agree to Boost Trade, Economic Cooperation

China and the Philippines agreed on Friday to strengthen trade and economic cooperation between the two countries after the conclusion of a high-level meeting. [...] "China would like to work with the Philippines to deepen China-ASEAN relations, properly handle South China Sea issue, jointly safeguard stability in the South China Sea and maintain the good momentum of development in China-ASEAN relations," Wang Yang said.

Tags: china, philippines, trade diplomacy, economic cooperation, government pd, free trade, bilateral relations

UN Forum in Paris to Spotlight Mobile Learning for Refugees

Education experts and government officials will gather at the Paris headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) from 20 to 24 March, to discuss ways of expanding the use of mobile technologies to “reach people where they are” and improve education opportunities for refugees and displaced persons and others in emergency situations.

Tags: united nations, paris, france, mobile learning, help refugees, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, unhcr, mobile technology

UAE Committed to Supporting UN Women's Gender Equality Efforts

The United Arab Emirates has renewed its commitment to supporting UN Women, the global entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, through its membership of the UN Women's Executive Board and by hosting the entity's liaison office in Abu Dhabi.


Tags: uae, gender equality, united nations, women empowerment, education, global aid & development

Culture As a Bridge Across Global Troubles

Irina Bokova, the director general of Unesco, talked about how culture was instrumental to economic growth, citing a 2015 study that said the arts generated 29.5 million jobs worldwide, more than the auto industry. “Development without culture cannot be sustainable or equitable or inclusive,” she said. Other discussions at the conference resonated more subtly with the most salient issues of the day, including panels on refugees, censorship, heritage preservation and cultural diplomacy.

Tags: art & culture, Cultural Diplomacy, global issues, art diplomacy, museum diplomacy, economic growth, refugee crisis, cultural heritage, unesco


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