A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
How Bloomberg's Data for Health Initiative is Reshaping Australian Aid
When Australia’s Foreign Minister announced a $15 million contribution to Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Data for Health initiative in March 2015, the program became a key way for Australia to improve outcomes of its overseas health aid. [...] Data for Health is showing its worth, allowing the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and other partners to work with governments in developing countries on evidence-based health policies.
Open Arms, Open Mouths
This stand is the fourth commercial venture that Zwawe has opened in São Paulo in as many years, but the first, he says, that will show “what authentic Syrian cuisine really is.” He’d opened his previous stand inside a bakery in the industrial district of Brás, just east of downtown. “I used to do the recipes that people here are more familiar with, like falafel, kebab, sfihas, and kibbehs,” he says.
To Battle Fake News, Ukrainian Show Features Nothing but Lies
What appears to be a nightly newscast is about to begin, only with a very Ukrainian twist: Everything is a lie, from start to finish. “Welcome to ‘StopFake,’ the place where we set the record straight on fakes about Ukraine,” the anchor, Margo Gontar, intones. In other parts of the world, viewers might suspect the evening news is just a bunch of lies, but watching the weekly broadcast of “StopFake News,” they can be certain of it.
EC Builds School for Kids in Cambodia
This February, Maltese-owned EC English Language Centres sent a team of eight enthusiastic EC staff volunteers hailing from all over the world, including South Korea, the UK, the US, Canada and Malta, to Ban Huoy, Cambodia, for a 10-day trip set up as part of the organisation’s most recent CSR initiative. In early 2016, EC approached the respected education charity, United World Schools (UWS), to improve the prospects of marginalised children in Cambodia.
Germany Seeks Israeli Technology
The North Rhine-Westphalia Economic Development Agency (NRW) will visit Israel next month in order to take part in the annual Axis Tel Aviv conference, where investors, funds, and leading global companies can meet directly with Israeli startups and entrepreneurs. The NRW representatives' goal is obvious: to encourage Israeli entrepreneurs to add Dusseldorf, Cologne, Dortmund, and Essen to their list of markets.
Accra to Host AU Workshop on Child Marriage
Accra would host the African Union (AU) Department of Social Affairs' three-day regional capacity building workshop on increased advocacy to ending child marriage through media engagement from Monday, February 27 to Wednesday, March 1. The workshop participants drawn from West and Central Africa would be from Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon and the Gambia.
On Bowls of Coffee and Wooden Canoes: The Necessity of Cultural Exchange
I was only 16 the year I lived abroad in France—young enough that I didn’t yet have a solid grasp on what life was all about. [...] Little of that knowledge carried over to France; the rhythm of life and cultural norms were different. My mistakes regularly led to embarrassment, anxiety, discomfort. There’s a reason they call it culture shock. But I was also elated by every success. I learned flexibility, openness, curiosity, and confidence. I also learned to accept myself and other people, despite our differences.
Dubai Launches Public Diplomacy Forum
The Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO) announced on Sunday the launch of the Public Diplomacy and Government Communication Forum (PDGCF). The forum, which was launched under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, aims to help government organisations explore more effective communication strategies through a discussion of global best practices and success stories from both the region and the world.
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