A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
“Travel Book. Kazakhstan” to Become Country’s Business Card
“Travel Book. Kazakhstan,” a unique art project containing 700 of the most interesting facts about the country, was presented as a joint project Sept. 8 by the Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation and Green Penguin Agency. Mass sales of the first book about Kazakhstan published in edutainment format will start this month.
China Boosts Soft Power by Training Foreign Journalists
The training program [...] is not the first international project at top Chinese journalism schools. Since 2014, the School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China has trained at least 10 journalists from African media each year in an exchange program organized by the China-Africa Press Center. This year, the program has received 28 African journalists, the largest group yet.
Conference to Rebuild Health Systems in Countries Devastated by Ebola Held in Washington
A conference, organized by several non-governmental organizations to review the current state of national and international efforts to assist in rebuilding the healthcare delivery systems, environment management, and develop emergency preparedness in countries of the Mano River Union (MRU) worst affected by the Ebola epidemic.
Youth Ambassadors Bring Taiwan to the World
Launched in 2009 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the program seeks to enhance local youths’ international perspective and encourages them to explore the world and cultivate relationships. One-hundred university students took part in this year’s edition, themed “Dynamic Youth, Friendly Taiwan,” and completed six weeks of training before making three-week visits to 17 cities in 16 countries.
China's Billionaires Club of Entrepreneurs Embarks on Cross-Canada Tour
A group of powerful Chinese business leaders set off on an eight-day Canadian tour Sunday that will connect them with Canada’s corporate and political elite, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This will be the first visit to Canada by the exclusive China Entrepreneur Club — often referred to as the billionaires club. It’s made up of 50 top Chinese firms that earn a combined $585 billion of annual gross income.
Lahore Literary Festival comes to British Museum in London
Wrapped in creative words and cultural visions, the Lahore Literary Festival brings to London, Pakistan’s artistic thinking and classical heritage. This rare sight of Pakistan, at the BP lecture theatre of the British Museum, will take place on Saturday 29th October 2016. With exceptional artists, writers, and cultural commentators, the festival will explore outstanding ideas. For the very first time, London will be celebrating the visionary liveliness of Lahore.
Using the Power of Israeli Backpackers to Help the World
[W]hen Cohen returned to Israel, he set to work. He met for coffee with a couple of other IDF officers, Yair Atias, 27, and Boaz Malkieli, 27, and they discussed the idea of using the thousands of Israelis going to Third World countries each year to show the world the IDF soldiers they don’t necessarily see on their television screens “live, from Gaza.” “The idea was to use the backpackers as the infrastructure for people to do ‘blue-and-white’ humanitarian work to show the real Israel to the world,” he said.
Swiss Chocolate Expert Markets World Renowned Delicacy in Egypt
The audience was media personnel and journalists gathered at a press conference Thursday, 13 October, at the Conrad Hotel in Cairo to witness the launch of the first Chocolate Festival, organised by the Swiss Embassy in Egypt. One visiting guest in particular was celebrated on the occasion: renowned Swiss chocolatier Romain Leemann who is visiting Egypt for the first time to participate in a series of events that aim to make Egyptians more acquainted with aspects of Swiss culture.
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