A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Government to Increase Aid to Yemen and Africa

Aid provided by the New Zealand Government for humanitarian crises in Africa and Yemen will increase by $4.85 million. The boost, to help combat drought, disease and people suffering from conflict, was announced by Foreign Minister Gerry Brownlee on Wednesday.

Tags: foreign aid, humanitarian crises, drought, disease, new zealand, yemen, africa

In Age of Populism, Switzerland Balances Independence, Integration

Switzerland has always retained the fiercely held diplomatic neutrality which makes it a go-between for nations in conflict and a hub for the multilateral organizations that have flocked to Geneva. [...] As a small country aiming to make its splash in the U.S., Switzerland’s public diplomacy efforts focused on less contentious issues: showcasing its status as an important investor in the U.S. and promoting apprenticeships as a cure for the American skills gap. 

Tags: soft power, switzerland, diplomatic neutrality, international hub, foreign investment, immigration

Citizen Diplomacy’s Evolution onto the Web

Youth in Des Moines, Iowa have more in common with students in Tunisia than they thought. In particular, a passion for social justice. While participating in Youth for Understanding’s (YFU) Virtual Exchange Initiative, a program that digitally connects students in different countries for moderated, in-depth discussion, a group of students in Iowa brought up the Black Lives Matter movement.

Tags: citizen diplomacy, digital diplomacy, youth for understanding (YFU), virtual exchange, social justice, iowa

Waikato Student Raising Awareness of Skateboarding in Cambodia

Skateboarder and University of Waikato PhD student Neftalie Williams is in Cambodia this week at the invitation of the United States Embassy. As a US sports envoy, he will be leading a US Department of State Target of Opportunity Sports Diplomacy program, tasked with helping to increase mutual understanding between the people of Cambodia and the USA.

Tags: skateboard diplomacy, sports diplomacy, skateboarding, neftalie williams, us department of state, cambodia

Can National Leaders Influence National Brands?

The Soft Power 30 Report suggests that national leaders influence their nations' brands. Nation branding scholars have also examined this relationship, noting that the two brands can begin to merge as the qualities of a leader become associated with that of the nation. At its extreme, the leader’s brand can eclipse the national brand causing a “halo effect”.

Tags: nation branding, world leaders, soft power 30, halo effect, iran, america, india, canada

Saudi Arabia Unveils Ambitious Plans for Tourism Revolution

Saudi Arabia has announced plans to create a tourism hotspot nearly twice the size of Wales on its unspoilt Red Sea coastline, in a bid to help double the number of visitors to the Middle Eastern country. The Kingdom has also indicated that it is prepared to relax its strict laws, such as bans on drinking alcohol, to entice more western holidaymakers.

Tags: soft power, middle east, saudi arabia, tourism hotspot, Hajj, mecca, infrastructure development

St Mary's Partners with French Business School to Promote Higher Ed

St Mary’s University, Twickenham, has entered into a formal partnership with EMD École de Management in Marseille. [...] As part of the new agreement, the two institutions are set to collaborate on the delivery of a new Master of Science (MSc) programme in International Business Management. This part-franchise programme will be awarded by St Mary’s and delivered and assessed collaboratively by St Mary’s and EMD, Marseille.

Tags: international exchange, cooperation, academic exchange, st. mary's, ecole de management, international business management

Spain honors Ladino Language of Jewish Exiles

More than five centuries after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled Spain’s Jewish population, the still-spoken language of the exiles is to be formally honored by the country’s leading linguistic authority. The Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) has announced plans to create a Judeo-Spanish branch in Israel that will sit alongside the 23 existing academies dedicated to the Spanish languages across Latin America and in countries such as Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural heritage, spain, judeo-spanish, language preservation, spanish royal academy


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