A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Middle Eastern Music Concert Celebrates Harmony, Humanity

Farzad Amoozegar straddled two cultures, North American and Iranian, throughout much of his childhood. Before he was 9, the Persian language, culture and food had begun to shape his identity as an Iranian; after moving to Canada and then to America, he discovered music to bridge the gap between Iran and the West.

Tags: middle east, Cultural Diplomacy, non state pd, music, culture, united states, iran, voices of the olive branch, israel, palestine

U.S. Seeks Aid Boost for Refugee Crisis

Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday the U.S. would seek a significant boost in humanitarian aid for the global refugee crisis and would urge at least 10 more countries to offer resettlement programs.

Tags: US, john kerry, refugee crisis, syria, humanitarian aid, government pd, global aid

Launching the International Law of Youth Rights in Geneva

In the UN Palace of Nations, ‘The International Law of Youth Rights’ was launched. It contains both source document and commentary on the historical trends to elaborate and codify international instruments and standards in this field, as well as action taken by governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations to promote and protect youth rights. 

Tags: geneva, Youth Rights, international advocacy, un, EU, non-state pd

Want to Meet Ninja? Japanese Usinesses Cater to Tourists' Wishes

Ninja are known across the world as exotic Japanese heroes widely depicted in anime and films. In 2015, nearly 20 million people from abroad visited Japan. Many of them wanted to see ninja, and some Japanese businesses are catering to their desire.

Tags: japan, US, Ninja, tourism, Ninja Akasaka, Meme, cultural exchange, Anime Exchange

PolyU Study Finds Tourism an Important Contributor to China-Taiwan Relations

In a recent study that elicited the views of mainland Chinese tourists to Taiwan, the researchers show that the increase in tourism between the two places has already had a positive influence on the “long-term peace-building effort” and that it will “facilitate political reconciliation and mutual recognition” in the future.

Tags: china, taiwan, tourism, China-Taiwan relations, track two diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy

Israeli-European Collaboration on Medical Tech R&D Praised

Israel’s bottom-up, early interdisciplinary approach to innovation has made it a strong partner in Europe’s research programs, according to Moedas, who sees science not just changing the world but building bridges between people entrenched in bitter conflicts.

Tags: israel, europe, technology, R&D, innovation, science diplomacy, smart power

Indonesian Museum being Built in Vatican

Vatican is a small state, spread over just 34 hectares, but no one denies that the Vatican has a great influence on the countries around the world [...] construction of an Indonesian museum in the Vatican is a right step. It will help Indonesia pursue cultural diplomacy in the international arena. 

Tags: indonesia, vatican, Larantuka, museum, Cultural Diplomacy

Billions in the Balance: Why Managing a Nation’s Brand Matters

Companies carefully nurture their brand names because they know it affects business: A good name can bring in higher returns. Is it time for countries to cultivate their own brands? In this opinion piece, Wharton marketing professor David Reibstein explains that nations should pay attention to how they are perceived by others.

Tags: nation branding, marketing, david reibstein, national image, international perception, economy, tourism


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