A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkey’s Foreign Aid: Who is the Target Audience?

In the past few years, Turkey has taken upwards of two million Syrian refugees into the country and provided large quantities of aid to them as well. Aid to Syrian refugees has increased the overall humanitarian aid Turkey gives each year and this spending is seemingly aimed at increasing Turkey’s soft power internationally, and regionally with the Middle East. Often we in Turkey hear ideas from major media outlets about supporting the Middle East based on shared culture and religion, or a shared historical Ottoman legacy.

Tags: humanitarian assistance, global development, aid diplomacy, soft power, refugee crisis, syrian refugees, turkey

Cultural Centers Could Bring India's Soft Power to the World Stage

As India enters its 70th year of independence and its status on the world stage grows, its position within Asia becomes more critical. It's high time India consciously, calculatingly and coordinately uses its ample soft power to its advantage. One way is to open a global chain of "Gandhi Centers."

Tags: india, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, gandhi, gandhi center

Shakespeare Gets Hip-Hop Treatment With App

Eminem called himself a “modern-day Shakespeare” in 2001. Now the Royal Shakespeare Company is trying to further bridge the gap between rap and the writer: They’ve created an app with Samsung, “RE: Shakespeare,” which remixes Shakespeare through a hip-hop lens.

Tags: william shakespeare, hip hop diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, royal shakespeare company

The "Open Your Culture" Embassies' Festival Starts Today in Bucharest

Fifty embassies, cultural institutes and international organizations will participate September 1 through 5 in the "Open Your Culture" Embassies' Festival aimed at promoting cultural diversity and the art of the countries with diplomatic missions in Romania. 

Tags: bucharest, Cultural Diplomacy, romania, state pd

Panda-plomacy: How Americans are Paying a Fortune for China’s Public Diplomacy

It’s great publicity for the zoo, but it’s also great publicity for China, where these pandas come from, “on loan.” But how often do you read about how much the U.S. is paying for this Chinese public diplomacy bonanza?

Tags: panda diplomacy, united states, china, public diplomacy

Could Trash Talk Bring Iran and Saudi Arabia Together?

A modest proposal for how Lebanon’s garbage could bring an end to the fiercest rivalry in the Middle East. What’s the connection between the garbage piling up on the streets of Lebanon and the war in Syria? The geopolitical rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Tags: iran, saudi arabia, lebanon, you stink movement, syria

Arabic ‘Sesame Street’ Returns for First Time Since Gulf War

On Friday, a new production of “Iftah Ya Simsim,” the Arabic cousin of “Sesame Street” that ended in 1990, will have its premiere on nine channels across the Gulf Cooperation Council countries of the Persian Gulf. The show, like its United States counterpart, aims to use entertainment to set an example for children on issues like obesity and literacy.

Tags: sesame street, gulf cooperation council, international broadcasting, united states, iftah ya simsim

Saxony Works on its Image with New Campaign

Following violent anti-asylum seeker rallies by right-wing extremist in Heidenau and xenophobic PEGIDA protests, Saxony wants to revamp its international image with the campaign "Simply Saxony." The Saxon government plans to find new ways to include the debate over refugees and migrants into the state's image campaign.

Tags: nation branding, saxony, europe, refugee crisis, simply saxony


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