A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Mexican Envoy Calls for Development of Cultural Relations with Iran

Mexican Ambassador to Tehran Ulises Canchola Gutierrez underlined that Iran's eye-catching historical monuments, natural attractions and proper tourism infrastructures have persuaded him to call on his country's relevant officials to pave the ground for the further promotion of tourism ties with Iran.

Tags: cultural relations, mexico, iran, Cultural Diplomacy, tourism

Ethiopia: International Business Forum Entitled 'Invest in Ethiopia'

The International Business Forum aimed to build a new chapter of cooperation between Norway and Ethiopia and was attended by high-level government officials from both countries as well as members of business confederations and representatives of Norwegian companies. 

Tags: ethiopia, International Business Forum, norway, business development, Norwegian African Business Association, foreign investment

When Talking About Ebola, How Not to Transmit Fear

Burdened with meaning, words can hurt or help. As policymakers and public diplomats address Ebola, the word choice must be careful and consistent.

Tags: ebola, united states, world health organization, public diplomacy, public information, health crisis

MH17 discussion with Putin `constructive`: Australian FM

Russian President Vladimir Putin was cooperative and constructive when asked for his help in allowing investigators access to the MH17 crash site in Ukraine, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Saturday.

Tags: putin, mh17, malaysian airlines, australia, tony abbott, international broadcasting, G20 Summit, russia, ukraine

Key Ideas From the New World Forum For a Better Global Future

How are technological innovations shaping global futures? What could the next industrial revolution look like and who and what might bring it about? (...)Many of the leading actors consumed by these and other questions gathered in Paris for the second Forum Nouveau Monde ("New World Forum") at the gleaming headquarters of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from October 7-8. 

Tags: New world forum, paris, Forum Nouveau Monde, digital diplomacy, technology, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, soft power

Calling VOA Volunteers: Receive Ebola Vaccine And Report on Experience

VOA’s acting managing editor for its central news division David Jones emailed staff yesterday to offer the chance to receive and report on the Ebola vaccine currently being tested at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, reported on Wednesday by USA Today.

Tags: voa, ebola, ebola vaccine, international broadcasting, united states

Curators as Kissingers: Can Museums Repair Diplomatic Relations?

Today, our museums are also politically engaged, globally connected, and incredibly skilled in the arts of international cultural diplomacy, their reach sometimes extending beyond that of governments.

Tags: Kissinger, museum, Cultural Diplomacy, globally connected, political engagement, british council

China Files Formal Protest Over Yasukuni Shrine Visits by Three of Abe’s Ministers

 The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Saturday lodged a protest with Japan’s embassy in Beijing over the visit by three Cabinet ministers to Yasukuni Shrine, Japanese diplomats said.

Tags: china, japan, asia, yasukuni shrine, Asia-Europe summit


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