A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

UN Climate Talks to Test New York Summit Gains

The impact of Ban Ki-moon’s New York summit on UN efforts to curb climate change faces its first test on Monday in Bonn, where envoys from over 190 countries meet for a week of negotiations.

Tags: united nations, new york, climate change, climate talks, New York summit, ban ki-moon, climate diplomacy

‘Pakistan, Afghanistan Share Same Culture’

“Culture does not have border and both Pakistan and Afghanistan have strong cultural relations,” the adviser said while inaugurating the two-day show organised by Pak-Afghan Culture Forum in collaboration with the provincial government.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, conflict, pakistan, afghanistan, government pd

Ebola: Africa’s Image Takes a Hit

The disease has ravaged a small part of Africa, but the international image of the whole continent is increasingly under siege, reinforcing some old stereotypes.

Tags: africa, ebola, west africa, global image, public opinion

New Survey Reveals the Full Extent of the Unique Aid Relationship Between Scotland and Malawi

Nearly three in four Scots are in favour of links with Malawi and nearly half know someone who is involved in the connections between the nations, a new survey has found.

Tags: foreign aid, aid diplomacy, scotland, malawi, international development

Israel’s Tamar Group Looks to Sell Gas to Egypt

The partners in Israel’s offshore Tamar gas field said on Sunday they are negotiating the sale of at least 5 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas over three years to private customers in Egypt via an old pipeline built to send gas in the other direction.

Tags: israel, egypt, foreign investment, non-state pd, private sector

Taiwan's Kinmen Island Seeks to Cash in on its Past

In Kinmen's farming villages, old cottages have been restored and turned into bed-and-breakfasts for visitors to experience traditional architecture and the rhythms of rural life. Crowds are sparse in the off-season, but tourism is the best hope to supplement agricultural incomes now that the soldiers are gone.

Tags: taiwan, china, tourism, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy

China’s War for Africa’s Hearts and Minds

Torn between its commitment not to intervene in the affairs of other countries and the growing demands of the West to use its growing clout to share some of the burden of shaping the world order, all eyes have turned to China’s budding soft power.

Tags: china, africa, hearts and minds, soft power

Pritzker Travels Europe And Asia On Commercial Diplomacy Tour

Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker recently returned from Ukraine and Turkey, and she heads next to Japan and South Korea. NPR's Scott Simon talks to her about practicing commercial diplomacy.

Tags: commercial diplomacy, foreign investment, united states, europe, asia


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