Events, Conferences & Workshops

CPD and the Embassy of Canada to Italy jointly hosted a program in Rome on international advocacy efforts by European countries.

Co-sponsored with the USC Knight Program in Media and Religion. 

December 21, 2015

NATO explored how today’s unpredictable security environment impacts public diplomacy.

Olga Kamenchuk discussed Russian Public Diplomacy post-Cold War. 

This unique three-day program equipped participants with working knowledge of research and analytical tools needed to develop and implement successful public diplomacy programs.

Professors Wiseman, English and Nguyen led a timely and engaging discussion about their book, "Isolate or Engage: Adversarial States, U.S. Foreign Policy, and Public Diplomacy." 

This CPD co-sponsored panel at the Pacific Council on International Policy's spring conference explored how foreign ministries are practicing international advocacy.

Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan discussed about the importance of public diplomacy partnerships between Mexico and the United States. 
