Each week, CPD features an article, report or book of particular interest to the PD community that has been added to PD Hub. Search its Online Library for more great content.  


This article assess Japan's PD challenges, and offers five recommendations to improve its impact. 

Pope Francis Visiting Korea, by the Republic of Korea

A look at the benefits and challenges of Vatican foreign policy. 

This policy papers outlines four steps to improve U.S. public diplomacy communication strategies. 

From Black Lives Matter to LGBTQ discourse and the 2011 Arab Spring, this new article explores the use of social media in global advocacy campaigns, 

This new report from CSIS offers a comprehensive analysis of the competing global priorities and pressures needed to implement and achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals.

Voice of America

How the VOA's style of reporting strengthens U.S. soft power.

Bruce Gregory's first public diplomacy reading list of 2016.

This new article discusses the interplay between power, politics and public diplomacy in Iran's use of soft power initiatives abroad. 
