Each week, CPD features an article, report or book of particular interest to the PD community that has been added to PD Hub. Search its Online Library for more great content.  


June 1, 2016

Comprehensive digital diplomacy report unpacks global engagement and case studies online. 

The May 2016 edition of Bruce Gregory's public diplomacy reading list is now available. 

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, by GovernmentZA

An evaluation of the Sino-African relationship as framed by pan-African news magazines. 

Five suggestions to keep U.S. public diplomacy relevant in the 21st century. 

The Rolling Stones at Marcus Amphitheater, by Jim Pietryga

The significance of the Rolling Stones' Havana concert.

The public diplomacy value of economic statecraft and why the United States must incorporate economic policy into its foreign policy. 

Ambassador Richard Verma Visits Twitter India Office, by U.S. Embassy New Delhi

Ilan Manor compares how different MFAs have incorporated digital diplomacy.

American Corner Bangalore, by U.S. Consulate Chennai

The Office of American Spaces under the U.S. Department of State has recently released its annual report. With over 700 spaces across 169 countries, American Spaces "serve as the primary places of ongoing people-to-people connections between the United States and foreign audiences that are essential to advancing U.S. foreign policy objectives." Hosted in embassies, schools, libraries, and other partner institutions, often outside capital cities, these locales aim to further a core tenet of democracy: access to information.
