city diplomacy

2019 CPD-MOIA Summer Associate Sophia Ketring reflects on her time interning with LA Mayor Garcetti's Office of International Affairs. 

Read this re-post from Foreign Policy on cities' leadership in global initiatives, which are opening the path from Mayor's Office to Oval Office.

Read this re-post from Foreign Policy, where Ambassador Nina Hachigian examines how urban centers can take international relations into their own hands. 

A paper by CPD Director Jay Wang and CPD Research Associate Sohaela Amiri outlining the necessary skills, capabilities, and resources required for cities' emergent role on the global stage.

CPD's latest paper by Director Jay Wang and Research Associate Sohaela Amiri outlines key considerations for U.S. cities to grow their capacity framework.

The three public diplomacy initiatives that could help mend U.S.-Mexico's long-suffering binational relations
