city diplomacy

In the second post of a two-part series, Sascha Priewe, CPD Research Fellow (2019-2021) and Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships, emphasizes the importance of intercultural dialogue.

Sascha Priewe, CPD Research Fellow (2019-2021) and Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships, discusses cultural diplomacy at the local level in part one of this two-part series.

Recent developments in U.S.-Iran relations highlight how local diplomacy can bring together the people of Los Angeles and Tehran, writes CPD Research Associate Sohaela Amiri.

"To succeed in their global missions, cities, their home states and the federal government all have work to do," writes Kyle Hutzler of McKinsey & Co.

Here's a peek at conversation highlights from the public forum that brought together leading voices in the dynamic, rapidly evolving field of city diplomacy.

CPD and L.A. Mayor's Office for International Affairs hosted the 2nd summit on city diplomacy November 14.
