city diplomacy
CPD Senior Research Specialist Sohaela Amiri describes a new analytical tool for policymakers.
Mark Kristmanson in dialogue with CPD Senior Research Specialist Sohaela Amiri on the value of sister city relationships during crisis.
CPD Senior Research Specialist Sohaela Amiri shares about the value of Los Angeles' proposed sister city relationship with Kyiv.
Join the Hague Journal of Diplomacy (HJD) and CPD for a webinar to coincide with the launch of HJD’s special issue on city diplomacy.
This issue of CPD Perspectives is an article on city diplomacy by CPD Research Fellow Joel Day.
The Korea Foundation grant will use the lens of city diplomacy to explore Koreatown's role between South Korea and the U.S.
A podcast co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt.
Read highlights from Lindsay Keare, researcher for key insights on what's next for cities, sports and public diplomacy.