nation branding

On the conflict between Australia's image abroad and the reality of the aboriginal communities on the ground.

This Week in PD, we share news on educational diplomacy, nation branding, soft power and more.

July 12, 2018

The fourth edition of Portland Communications' annual report was produced in partnership with CPD.

This Week in PD, we share news on international exchange, cultural diplomacy, people-to-people diplomacy and more.

This Week in PD, we share international news on cultural diplomacy, soft power, people-to-people diplomacy and more.

This Week in PD, we share international news on people-to-people diplomacy, nation branding, cultural diplomacy and more.

Anna Velikaya discusses how Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can present a new face to the world.

This Week in PD, we share international news on exchange diplomacy, corporate diplomacy, foreign aid and more.
