nation branding

April 17, 2012

The key to sustaining a positive and competitive global brand may be to convince a sceptical world that Pakistan has abandoned the use of terrorism as a national security and foreign policy tool. The negative global perception will not change overnight, but the perception that the nation is at peace with itself and the rest of world will help.

But overall, Tanzania has a poor image for starting a business, obtaining permits for construction, registering properties, payment of taxes and dealing with bankruptcy issues. Branding Tanzania should address these shortcomings and improve them.

"Is it our abundance of agricultural produce or the millions of oil barrels we export annually? Is it the contributions of Nigerian technocrats home and abroad or the ignominy of having corrupt officials? Or maybe we are simply known for our poor development...

From the sixties we have tinkered with all manner of programmes all aimed at creating a Nigerian brand…with the civil war after the military came into government and even the Gowon administration came with the 3Rs, Restructuring, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction to put before the citizenry a nation that we all could say that we are one and to put the effect of the war behind us.

As the Korean wave sweeps over Asia and the rest of the world, there is a growing audience for all things Korean. There are already dozens of K-pop sites, allkpop has 75 million views a month, but koreaBANG has a harder news edge.

Thus post-conflict, there needs to be concentrated efforts to either reintroduce or reemphasize the representations of the best of that society. By doing so, economic and social recovery can be hastened by the benefits of increased country brand awareness.

Nonetheless, Austad believes Norwegian design going in a positive direction. He suggests that it has a growing number of young and ambitious designers all eager to identify how Norwegian design should be in the 21st century. He also adds Norwegian design has a strong cultural foundation and hopes that Norway will be able to continue to brand itself as a design nation in the future.
