nation branding

Nigerian government and people have been called upon to buy into the concept of nation rebranding and affirm the idea...Governor Amaechi says Nigerians sense of aculturisation is strong but Nigerians must be ready to be pragmatic and deliberate in the act of nation branding.

However, the EU video So Similar, So Different, So European is slightly, well, different. It doesn’t originate from the global province towards the center, not even the other way round. It is a narrative the EU is telling to itself.

In reality, a country’s brand image has direct bearing on its economy. Country-related intangible assets in many ways influence the market-shares of brands and their marketing effectiveness, which is why no subnational or even company can be rated above its sovereign. But this could also be vice versa. For instance, Japanese cars and Japan’s global ratings.

March 28, 2012

On the whole, foreign investors find India an excellent investment opportunity that relates to the arena of “needs and wants” marketing, as opposed to “desires and aspirations” marketing. For the latter, China is an excellent destination, and not India.

A need to engage with industry on an equal plane while Indian industry, too, stops crawling when asked to walk....If we don’t get any of the above done, GDP growth notwithstanding, the reputational damage we would have caused Brand India will be immeasurable. So someone needs to wake up and pretty soon at that.

This much-trumpeted approach will group commercial and public diplomacy efforts and direct these towards emerging Asian economies and Latin American countries in an attempt to boost Spain’s profile and hopefully help economic recovery.

While Japan struggles to recover from the shocking devastation of the March 11, 2011 (3/11) earthquake and tsunami, Japanese public diplomacy also struggles to recover from the damage. Tourism campaigns, especially those with a focus of rehabilitating the image of the Japanese are critical, benefiting from support of non-Japanese artists.

While Japan struggled to recover from the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami, Japanese PD also struggled to recover from the damage.
