nation branding

In recent years the debate over Israel’s efforts in public diplomacy, or hasbara, has been a recurring topic on the agenda of the Jewish state and its supporters around the globe.

The Australian government has an elaborate campaign, including a 600-page bureaucratic handbook, to build its international image using koalas.

Photo by Danny Choo- retrieved from flickr

Takeshi Matsui’s new article, "Nation Branding through Stigmatized Popular Culture: The Cool Japan Craze Among Central Ministries in Japan", has recently been published in Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management. This article explains how various Japanese ministries are competing to promote “Cool Japan” and make Japanese “content industry” more attractive in order to enhance Japanʼs soft power.

America is a meticulously constructed brand; it is the indispensable nation with exceptional power. There is no country as adept at branding as the United States.

Canada’s once-admired internationalist brand has been spoiled, mutating into a cross between warrior nation wannabe and fossil of the year.

Speaking to foreign diplomats at the ‘end of the year’ reception recently in Suva, the Hon. Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola said he looked forward to working in close cooperation and partnership with the foreign envoys

One extra benefit of working in the humanitarian sector after a major disaster is that by treating the sick and the injured, we can do more than help survivors - we can also enhance the image of our own country overseas.

While India has an enduring campaign in 'Incredible India', However, it could be argued that the phrasing does not sufficiently differentiate India from other nations.
