nation branding

India has seen extensive economic growth and has strengthened its soft power. But is it doing enough to create a positive global image?

picture is courtesy of Wikipedia

In China's Public Diplomacy, Ingrid d'Hooghe, Senior Research Associate at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael) and an expert in East Asia region, analyzes how China's approach to public diplomacy is shaped by the country's political system and culture.

Our PM Narendra Modi is leaving no stone unturned to create a positive image of India among foreign investors and capitalists. But it seems we need some serious makeover and efforts to improve the branding of our nation, as compared to other developed nations, we are still a beginner.

It is a country known for ABBA, meatballs and flat-pack furniture - and Sweden is hoping its latest export will be just as easy to recognise.  The Swedish government has launched a national typeface based on 'Scandinavian minimalism' that it hopes will give its posters, signs and websites a cohesive look.

Olof Bergand, head of the Stockholm Program of Place-branding (STOPP) and Guje Sevón, Professor Emerita at Stockholm School of Economics, recently published a paper titled “Food-branding places – A sensory perspective” in which they explore how food is used to brand places. The paper, which was published in the November 2014 issue of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, touches on topics related to both gastrodiplomacy and nation branding and explores the notion of "sensescapes."

This week the world of public diplomacy got a set of readings of similar significance.  They mean trouble for the USA.  The seismograph in the story is the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index.

San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain

Nick Cull on why this year's NBI spells trouble for the U.S. - and the rest of the world.

Bloom Consulting is a Madrid based strategy consulting company that specialises in country branding and business strategy. His work focuses mainly on nation building projects and the developing of brand strategies in the private sector, as well as corporate strategy and HR consulting. 
