nation branding

Indeed, in the era of globalization, nation brand image is more necessary than ever; an increasing number of governments attempt to use the power of commercial branding techniques to valorize their country's image. 

Former ad man Simon Anholt thinks he has the answer to problems caused by globalisation – the Good Country party, a global political organisation. He’s launching it this weekend, and thinks it has the potential to gain 700 million members

November 29, 2014

Brand Ghana and Brand South Africa are devising strategies to help improve the competitive brands of the two countries, and those of other countries in Africa.

November 27, 2014

Canada’s foreign affairs department has launched a Twitter account for Canada. And it’s a big hit.

Since the election of Narendra Modi as India’s Prime Minister, New Delhi has appeared determined to create “Brand India” by harnessing its soft power resources. This was very much on display at the meeting Modi had with his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Tan Dung, during the latter’s visit to New Delhi late last month.
