soft power

Eriks Varpahovskis provides an overview of the diverse range of Korean educational institutions and programs throughout Central Asia.

India and Thailand have a special relationship based on shared history and culture, writes Sudarshan Ramabadran of the India Foundation's Center for Soft Power. 

Ian Thomas, the British Council's Head of Evaluation for the Arts and CPD Research Fellow, 2018-20, discusses the value of arts showcasing to soft power.

Author Jennifer Hubbert on the roots of soft power and her new book, China in the World: An Anthropology of Confucius Institutes, Soft Power, and Globalization. 

Joseph S. Nye revisits soft power and public diplomacy in modern times.

Why cyber policy has an image problem, and what must be done to address global cyber challenges.

Soft power scholar Joseph S. Nye, Jr. evaluates how public diplomacy investment impacts American soft power in the Trump administration.
